Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Fifty-One Years— continued. 
i . Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expeciation, 
Ages. Lil, Decrement. at Higher Ages. Non, y 
DD, my Im. Im, lm lng 1 Na, my Don. my 
49 &100 40122 9343 69508 1.73 
a0. .101 30779 9089 38729 1.26 
51..102 21690 8862 17039 : 79 
52..103 12&28 8617 4211 ae 
53..104 4211 4211] 
Difference of Age Fifty-Two Years. Bu 
” on Curtate 40., 
Number of Living. Sum of Living | Expectation. il 
Ages. . Decrement. at Higher Ages. | N Bt 
In. ny tam, wa 2. 
Dan. ny im. In, —lnd1. bm +1 Nom, mi Din. my 4. 
0 & 52 42760000 7130729 536437233 12.55 o 
Y..003 35629271 3400874 500807962 14.06 8. 
2...94 32228397 2601395 468579565 14.54 & 
3..:55 29627002 1635002 438952563 14.82 g 
4...006" 27992000 13205672 410960563 14.68 & 
Be 57 26671428 1022236 384989135 14.41 oo 
6.08 25649192 928286 358639943 13.98 : 
7..59 . 24720906 910258 333919037 13.51 0 
8.. 60 23810648 948795 310108389 13.02 " 
9...61 22861853 930153 287246536 12.56 
10.. 62 21931700 915192 265314836 12.10 
11... 03 21016308 901308 2449298328 11.52 
12.. 64 20115200 896576 224183128 11.14 
13... 83 19218624 885124 204964504 10.66 
14. £66 18333490 876190 186631014 10.18 
15.. 67 17457300 878172 169173714 9.69 
16.. 68 16579128 876153 152594586 9.20 
17.469 15702975 874399 13659i611 8.72 
18...'70 14828576 863735 122063035 8.23 
18... 71 13964841 913971 108098194 7:74 
20...732 13050870 975011 95047324 7.98 
91..-73 ! 12075859 1020654 82971465 6.87 
22... 74 11055205 1067180 71916260 6.50 
03.+ 75 9988025 1017710 6192-235 6.20 
24... 76 8970315 980754 52957920 5.90 
D5... 77 7989561 910493 44968359 5.63 
26...78 7079068 816835 37884291 5.35 
07 es 79 6262233 784389 31627058 5.05 
28.. R80 5477844 708618 26149214 4,77 
29... Si 4769226 678776 21379988 1.48

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