Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Sixty Years. 
- o- Curtat 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Berane 
Ages. Li is Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nos: my 
Da, my bn my js Imt1. lny41 No, my Dy, my 
0 & 60 36430000 6638819 338483636 9.29 
1.. 610 29791181 3381476 308692455 10.36 
2...620 26409705 2638273 282282750 10.69 
3... 63 23771432 1776718 258511318 10.88 
4., 64 21994714 1481368 236516604 16.75 
5...063 20513346 1193002 216003258 10.53 
6.. 66 19320344 1048370 196682914 10.18 
7+: 07 18271974 964646 178410940 9.76 
8.. 68 17307328 912503 161103612 9.31 
9... 69 16394825 884365 144708787 8.83 
10... 70 15510460 867073 129198327 8.33 
11... 71 14643387 928187 114554940 7.82 
12..-72% 13715260 998304 100839740 7:35 
13... 73 | 12716896 1054161 88122844 6.93 
14... 74 11662735 1110235 76460109 6.56 . 
15... 75 10552500 1067085 65907609 6.25 
16...76 9485415 1033794 56422194 5.95 
17... 278 8451621 960133 47970573 5.68 
18.. 78 7491488 861715 40479085 5.40 
19..:79 6623773 826003 33849312 5,11 5 
20... 80 5803770 742431 28045542 4.83 
21... 81 5061339 707714 22984203 4.54 
92... 82 4353625 638676 18630578 4,28 
23:4. 33> 3714949 582740 14915629 4.02 
24..:84 3132209 516054 11783420 3.76 2 
20.7 +:95 2616155 474343 9167265 3:50 
26.., 86 2141812 427084 7025453 3.28 
07 vs 187 1714728 381192 5310725 3.10 
28.. 88 1333536 302198 3977189 2.98 
929., 89 1031338 230174 2945851 2.86 2 
30.. 90 801164 214739 2144687 2.68 
31. .191 586425 171825 1558262 2.66 
32...92 414600 119112 1143662 2.78 
33.+.93 295488 78808 848174 2.87 
34... 94 216680 55820 631494 2.91 
35...99 160860 38799 470634 2.93 
36.. 96 122061 27543 348573 2.86 
B37 ,4:97 94518 21802 254055 2.69 
38.. 98 72716 16220 181339 2.49 
39.. 29 56496 10821 124843 2.21 
40..100 45675 10612 79168 Y.73 
41..101 35063 10363 44105 1.26 
42. .102 24700 10093 19405 79 
43,.103 14607 9809 4798 oh 
44, .104 ~4798 4798 

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