Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Sixty-Three Years. 
Curtate —— ee 
Expectation, Curtate 
Nowy Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation, 
k= A EE Decrement, at Higher Ages. Nonsimny 
"om ges. m . Umy ree 
D,, my [a Imy — ln. [a Non, my Din, my 
8.66 —_—— — - em 
3.63 0& 63 32680000 6087077 272726422 8.35 
9.89 1.. 64 26592923 3115901 246133499 9.26 
0.02 2.. 65 23477022 2426066 222656477 9.48 
4.8 3.. 66 21050956 1659498 201605521 | 9.58 
des 67 19391458 1393002 182214063 9.40 
9 5.. 68 17998456 1141556 164215607 9.12 
ar 6.. 69 16856900 1024706 147358707 8.74 
7.0 70 15832194 949722 131526513 8.31 
1% Bes 71 14882472 967973 116644041 7.84 
9... 72 13914499 1013879 102729542 7.38 
10.. 73 12900620 1061149 89828922 6.96 
11., 74 11839471 1119471 77989451 6.59 
t2.. 75 16720000 1072480 67269451 6.28 
a 13.. 76 9647520 1038255 57621931 5.97 
- 14.. 77 8609265 067365 49012666 5.69 
15., 78 7641900 873759 41370766 5.41 
16.. 79 6768141 841434 34602625 5.11 
17.. 80 5926707 757395 28675918 4.84 
oH 18., 81 5169312 722887 23506606 4.55 
- 13.. 82 4446425 652355 19060181 4.29 
4 20.. 83 3794070 595207 15266111 4.02 
21,. 84 3198863 526638 12067248 3.77 
22.. 85 2672225 483804 9395023 3.52 
a 23.. 86 218%421 435805 7206602 3.29 
he 24,, 87 1752616 388688 5453986 3.11 
25., 88 1363928 307612 4090058 3.00 
26.. 89 1056316 233710 3033742 2.87 
27.. 90 822606 219066 2211136 2.69 
Ex 28.. 91 603540 176190 1607596 2.66 
Ld 29,, 92 427350 122682 1180246 2.76 
1% 30.. 93 304668 81268 875578 2.87 
wy 3l.. 94 223400 57560 652178 2.92 
La 32.. 93 165840 39984 486338 2.93 
a 33.. 96 125856 28350 360482 2.86 
wath 34.. 97 97506 22438 262976 2.70 
Lb 35.. 98 75068 16691 187908 2.50 
36., 99 58377 11118 129531 2.22 
37..100 47259 10901 82272 1.74 
38..101 36358 10678 45914 1.26 
J 39..102 25680 10455 20234 «72 
40.,103 15225 10216 5009 233 
41..104 5009 5009 

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