Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Sixty-Nine Years. 
Cartas C 
Tpestatiag, Number of Living. Suin of Living | Tee nn. 
Na. n Boe Lak. Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nn, wy 
— at . 1 —— 
Dew Dp, my Im. my —lmy1 my Nun, my Ds mi 
or 0 & 69 25250000 4935139 161004389 6.38 
a 1.. 70 20314861 2602078 140689528 6.93 
* 2...9] 17712783 2124601 1229/6745 6.94 
3 3.. 72 15588182 1613176 107388563 6.89 
i i..73 13975006 1461729 93413557 6.68 
> 5.. 4 12513277 1330977 80900286 6.47 
6.. 75 11182300 1192390 69717980 6.24 
7.. 76 9959910 110746 59728070 5.98 
~ 8.. 77 8882424 1006415 50845646 5.72 
in 9,. 78 7876009 892749 42969637 5.46 
oo 10.. 79 6983260 854517 35986377 5.15 
11., 80 6128743 771943 29857134 4.87 
12.. 81 5356300 746000 24500834 4.57 
. 13.. 82 4616800 670095 19884634 4.31 
i» 14.. &3 3946705 614005 15937329 4.04 
~ 15..84 3332700 546555 12604629 3.78 
2 16.. 85 2786145 503772 9318480 3.52 
17.. 86 2232373 454277 7536111 3.30 
18.. 87 1828.96 405240 5708015 3.12 
jo» 19.. 88 1422856 320566 4385159 3.01 
» 20.. 89 1102290 243616 3182869 2.89 
21.. 90 858674 228149 2324195 2.71 
22.. 91 630525 183300 1693670 2.69 
, 23.. 92 447925 127491 1246445 2.79 
in 24.. 93 319734 84574 926711 2.90 
J 23. . 94 235160 60080 691551 2.94 
26.. 95 175080 41841 516471 2.95 
27.. 96 133239 29775 383232 2.88 
28.. 97 103464 23692 279768 2.70 
i. 29.. 98 79772 17710 199996 2.51 
30.. 99 62062 11797 137934 2.22 
31..100 | 50265 11369 §7669 1.74 
32..101 38696 11336 48573 1.27 
33..102 27360 11109 21613 7 
34,.103 16251 10889 65362 5 
35..104 5362 5369 
. a

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