Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives.
Difference of Age Seventy Years.
. Curtate
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation,
Ages. Ltn Decrement. at Higher Ages. Noam:
D, ” ln. lm, ly g1.lmy +1 Na, my D.. ml
0& 70 240100600 © 4744303 144941974 6.04
I... 71 19265697 2595300 125676277 6.52
Gr 72 16670397 2144219 109005880 6.54
3s. 7237) 14526178 1642860 94479702 6.50
4.. 78°! 12883318 1498343 81596384 6.33
5.075 11384975 1270829 70211409 6.17
8.. 76 10114146 1152900 60097269 5.94
7.2 77 | 8961246 1033078 51136023 5.71
8... 78 7928168 909235 43207855 5.45
9... 79 7018933 862553 36188922 5.16
10.. 80 6156380 773633 30032542 4.88
1l,. 81 5382747 742747 24649795 4.58 0
12., 82 4640000 672736 20009795 4.31 2"!
13.. 83 3967264 616049 16042531 4.04 zen
14., 84 3351215 547715 12691316 3.79 "™
15.. 85 2803500 505713 9887816 3.53 &
16.. 86 2297787 456963 7590029 3.30 an
17... 87 1840824 407992 5749205 3.11 ig
18.. 88 1432832 322459 4316373 3.01 ae
19.. 89 1110373 245593 3206300 2.89 es
20.. 98! 864780 229845 2341520 2.71 ’
2%. 91 634935 184560 1706585 2.69 il
22.. 92 450375 128373 1256216 2.79 a
23.. 93 322002 85162 934208 2.90 on
24.. 94 236840 60470 697368 2.95 Bee
25.+ 95 176370 42142 520998 2.95 ox
26... 96 134228 29954 386770 2.88 Sey
27... 97 104274 23802 232496 2.71 fe
28.. 98 80472 17794 202024 2.5] rh
29.., 99 62678 11900 139346 2.22 ay
30..100 | 50778 11683 88568 1.74 -—
31..101 39095 11455 49473 1.27 gs
32..102 27640 11224 21833 79 Steel
33..103 16416 10999 5417 «34 A
34,.104 5417 5417