Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Seventy-Six Years—continued. 
iC . 
Number of Living. Sum of Living BS oni. 
Ages, Litty Decrement. at Higher Ages. New. my 
Ds, my bn. bn, — lp oy Non, my DD, my 
17 & 93 335826 85786 976358 2.91 
18.. 94 247040 630.0 729318 2.95 
19.. 95 183990 ‘43920 545328 2.96 
920... 96 140070 31224 407258 2.89 
21... 97 108546 24776 296412 2.72 
22.. 98 81070 18477 212342 2.53 
23.. 99 65593 12304 146749 2.24 
24..100 53289 12136 93:60 1.75 
25... 101 41153 11973 52307 1.27 
26..102 29180 11801 23127 .79 
27..103 17379 11631 5748 wd 
28..104 5748 5748 
Difference of Age Seventy-Seven Years. 
Number of Living. Sum of Living at Expectation, 
Ages. bin; Decrement. Higher Ages. N- my 
Do, mj tm. bm —ln grb No, my Don, my 
0& 77 13590000 3326807 57254209 4.21 
1.. 78 10263193 1874094 46991016 4.58 
Des, 49 8409099 1476977 38581917 4.59 
3.. 80 6932122 1074796 31649795 4.57 
4,. 81 5857326 929501 25792469 4.40 
5.. 82 4927825 768677 20864644 4.23 
6.. 83 4159148 670922 16705496 4.02 
7.. 84 3488226 579706 13217270 3.79 
8.. 85 2908520 525559 10308750 3.54 
9.. 86 2382431 470771 7925819 3.33 
10.. 37 1912160 420168 6013659 3.15 
11.. 88 1491992 333592 4521667 3.03 
12.. 89 1158400 254144 3363267 2.90 
13.. 90 ! 904256 239081 2459011 2.72 
14.. 91 665175 192675 1793836 2.70 
15.. 92 472500 134406 1321336 2.80 
16.. 33 338094 89334 : 983242 2.91 
17... 4 248760 63180 731482 2.95 
18.. 93 185280 44221 549202 2.96 
19.. 96 141059 31439 408143 2.89 
20.. 97 109620 24962 298523 2.72 
91.. 98 81658 18603 213865 2.53 
22... 99 66055 12388 147810 9 94 

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