Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Seventy-Seven Years—continued. 
Ci ta 2 ee C rite 
rug Number of Living. Sum of Livingat ~~ Ex at, 
Ny Ages. Lait Decrement. Higher Ages. Nom, my 
Db. » Dn. my In. ly lint lon 41 N=, my De, my 
£91 23 &100 53667 122:0 94143 1.75 
95 24..101 41447 12052 52696 
Le 25..102 29393 11887 23301 .79 
I 26..103 17508 11715 5793 +33 
Wi 27..104 5793 5793 
Difference of Age Seventy-Eight Years. 
. jas . Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
Ages: Jit i Decrement, at Higher Ages. Nye, wy 
Di ny In. ly =m . Imi 41 Na, my Din, my 
0& 78 12130000 2983659 48788310 4.02 - 
1..:79 9146341 1732954 39641969 4.33 
2..380:1 7413387 1325049 32228582 4.35 
Gi 3..:81 608£338 1014788 26140244 4,29 
Upeetution. 4.. 82 5073550 839019 21066694 4.15 
oy 5.. 53 4234531 702927 16832163 3.98 
6..:84 3531604 597274 13300559 3.77 
al 7...83 2934330 535618 10366229 3.53 
Li 8.. 86 , 2398712 476784 7967517 3.32 
Ye 9.. 87 1921928 423208 6045589 3.15 
ro 10.. 88 1498720 334709 4546869 3.03 
’ 11.. 89 | 1164v11 255211 3382858 2:91 
pt 12.. 90 908800 240160 2474058 2.72 
13.:91 668640 193515 1805418 2.70 
14.. 92 475125 134925 1330293 2.80 
15.. 93 | 340200 89760 990093 2.91 
- 16.. 94 250440 63870 739653 2.95 
17.. 95 186570 44522 553083 2.96 
18.. 96 142048 31654 411035 2.89 
19... 97 110394 25134 300641 2.72 
bh 20.. 98 85260 18743 215381 2.53 
Le 21.. 99 66517 12472 148864 2.24 
22..100 , 54045 12304 94819 1.75 
23..101 41741 12136 53078 1.27 
24..102 29605 11968 23473 71 
25..103 17637 11801 5836 = 
i 26..104 5836 5836 

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