Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Eighty Years—continued. 
Llirfate - — 
peetiion, » Curtat 
Yum Number of Living. Sum of Living at Dipeoraon, 
Oa Ages. boii Decrement.’ Higher Ages. Nom 
3 8] Din, my lm. my lr. mgt Nop, mj Dy, my 
LI 9& 89 1175233 257913 3419693 2.91 
LH 10.. 90 917320 242065 2502373 2.73 
Ll 11...9] 675255 195255 1827118 2.71 
140 12...92 480000 136128 1347118 2.81 
13.. 93 343872 90472 1003246 2.92 
At 14... 54 253400 64400 749846 2.96 
Kl 15,., 95 189600 44997 560846 2.97 
4 16.. 96 144003 32061 416843 2.89 
1.09 17. 97 111942 25478 304901 2.72 
18.. 98 86464 19001 218437 2.53 
| 19.. 99 67463 12653 150974 2.24 
20..100 54810 12481 96164 1.75 
fd 21.101 42329 12304 53835 1.27 
19 92..102 30025 12136 23810 .79 
23..103 17889 11968 5921 "30 
a 24,,104 5921 5921 
La Difference of Age Eighty-One Years. 
a ou Cirtate 
y Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation, 
Ages. Decrement, at Higher Ages. N,... 
Im. ln 1 —— 
Dm, mi Im. lng Ln bony 1 N- my Dp, ny 
0 & 81 8370000 2935775 28563658 3.41 
1...:82 6134225 1287908 22429433 3.66 
Dee: 83 4846317 995371 17583116 3.63 
Seo: 84 3847946 733836 13735170 3.97 
FEES. 4,, 85 3114110 619611 10621060 3.41 
geen. 5.. 86 2494499 518403 8126561 3.26 
Non, mt Ov. 87 1976096 446288 6150465 3.11 
he. 7+. 88 1529808 346792 4620657 3.02 
finns 8... 80 1183016 261010 3437641 2.91 
1.61 9,. 90 922006 243706 2515635 2.73 
1 10.. 91 678300 195975 1837335 2.71 
al 11..-.92 482325 136725 1355010 2.81 
ol 12.. 93 345600 90880 1009410 2.92 
on 13.. 94 251720 64670 754690 2.96 
14.. 95 190050 45150 564640 2.97 
15.. 96 144900 32202 419740 2.€0 
16. 97 112698 25632 307042 2.72 

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