Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Eighty-One Years—continued. 
Sort Cuartat 
Number of Living. Sum of Living iro ion. 
Ages. 2 Fir, Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nm, my 
| § my in my - Indi mp1 Nom, my Dy, my 
17 & 98 87066 19130 219976 2.53 
18..°89 67936 12739 152010 2.24 
19..100 55197 12567 96843 1.75 
20..101 42630 12395 54213 1.27 
21..102 30235 12220 23978 79 
22..103 18015 12052 5963 
23..104 5963 5963 
Difference of Age Eighty-Two Years. 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation, 
Ais. lib Decrement. at Higher Ages. Ny, my 
Du. m. bn. by — boa. bn 41 No, my Do, my - 
0 & 82 7250000 1978797 23402718 3.23 
Y.+ 83 5271203 1156112 18131515 3.44 
2..:84 4115091 878161 14016424 3.41 
3.. 8 3236930 668664 10779494 3.33 
4.. 86 2568266 556354 8211228 3.20 wy 
5.. 87 2011912 463080 6199316 3.08 
6.. 88 1548832 355318 4650484 3.00 
7es.50 1193514 265102 3456970 2.90 
8..790 925112 246317 2528858 2.72 
9... 91 681765 197265 1847093 2.71 
10..-92 484500 137226 1362593 2.81 
11..:93 347274 91274 1015319 2.92 
12... 94 256000 61960 759319 2.97 
13..:93 191040 45335 568279 2.97 
14.. 96 145705 232305 422574 2.90 
15.. 97: 113400 25746 309174 2.73 
16... 98 87154 19245 221520 2.53 
17..-99 63109 12825 153111 2.24 
18..100 555:4 12653 97527 1.76 
19..101 42931 12481 54596 1.27 
20..102 30450 12309 24116 .79 
21..103 18141 12136 6005 .33 
22..104 6005 6005

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