Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Co Difference of Age Eighty-Three Years. 
Zpectation, a. — 
Nn C 
i Number of Living. Sum of Living Brratii 
oy Ages. Decrement. at Higher Ages. N 
Im lm, Rm 
4 D,, mn, Im my bd In . In, Np, my Di, my 
0& &3 6230000 1754131 18943183 3.04 - 
1..:84 4475869 1014214 14467314 3.23 
2... 85 | 3461655 792097 11005659 3.18 
3.. 86 2669558 : 598150 8336101 3.12 
4.. 87 ' 2071408 494504 6264693 3.02 
5.. 88 1576904 368548 4687789 2.97 
6.. 89 1208356 272008 3479433 2.¢8 
7.. 90 | 936348 250068 2543085 2.72 
8..18] 686280 199305 185680L5 2.71 
9...92 486975 138135 1369830 2.81 
10.. 93 348840 91600 1020990 2.93 
{urate 11.. 94 257240 65240 763750 2.97 
feeation 12... 95 192000 45536 571750 2.98 
ba 13.. 96 146464 32434 425286 2.90 
Dawe 14., 97 114030 25830 311256 2.73 
3 15.. 98 88200 19329 223056 2.33 
44 16.. 99 68871 12900 154185 2.24 
4 17..100 55971 12739 98214 1.76 
3 18..101 43232 12567 54982 1.27 
1.20 19,,102 30665 12395 24317 079 
Q 20..103 18270 12223 6047 
21..104 6047 6047 
ql . 7 
Difference of Age Eighty-Four Years. 
9 _ CE  — 
" Curtate 
iL Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
Ages. lily Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nn, my 
yo Dp, m, 2a. In; —lnt1.lbn Nop. my D,, ma 
4 0& 84 5290.00 1524855 15134514 2.86 
a 1... 85 3765145 910252 11369369 3.92 
1 2...86 | 285-893 701789 8514476 2.98 
3... 87 2153104 529568 6361372 2.95 
4.. &8 1623536 393279 4737£36 2.92 
5.. 89 130257 282265 3507579 2 85 
6.. 90 947992 2505622 25595587 2.70 
Ul 6492370 202170 186,217 2.70 
B.. 82 490200 139578 1377017 2.81 
g9.. 93 3530622 G5)-s 1026295 9 93 

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