Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Eighty-Six Years. 
a Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
— Ages. Or Lot Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nu, mi 
Curtate Di, my In my - Inge. lia Ne. my D,, m1 
Expectatig, —— —_— Aa — om ——— i — es——— 
Nan 0 & 86 3670000 1165544 9227424 2.51 
I Loe 87 2504456 699728 6722968 2.68 
2.. 88 1804728 488134 4918240 2.73 
197 3.. 89 1316594 322878 3601646 2.74 
198 4., 90 993716 280031 2607930 2.62 
ay 5.. 91 713685 212985 1894245 2.65 
15 6.. 92 500700 144624 1393545 2.78 
7.. 93 356076 94636 1037469 2.91 
: 8.. H4 261440 66650 776029 2.97 
g.. 95 194790 46210 581239 2.98 
10.. 96 148580 32822 432659 2.91 
11., 97 115758 26158 316901 2.74 
12,. 98 89600 19552 227301 2.54 
13.. 998: 70048 13033 157253 2.25 
14.,100 57015 12915 100238 1.76 
15..101 44100 12795 56138 1.27 
16..102 31305 12648 24833 «79 
17..103 18657 12481 6176 £33 
18..104 6176 6176 
- Difference of Age Eighty-Seven Years. 
— os ——— 
Na, n . Sa Curtate 
Ke Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation, 
ats 2] Decrement, at Higher Ages. Nn 
= Ages. m. ‘my SOI 
A Dn, my bn ty — Inga my Nom, my D. my 
) ag E — er = rt er - Fr EE 
o 06 & 87 2960060 997048 7052980 2.38 
kg 1.v 588 1962952 554953 5090028 2 +59 
13) 2.. 89 1407999 375091 3682029 2.62 
ee 3.. 90 1032908 295118 2649121 2.56 
4... 91 734790 225015 1914331 2.61 
5.. 92 509775 149271 1404556 2.76 
6.. 93 360504 96744 1044052 2.90 
hl 7.» 4 263760 67.80 780292 2.96 
Li 8.. 95 196080 46741 504212 2.98 
” 9.. 96 149339 33059 434573 2.91 
L 10.. 97 116280 26246 318393 2.74 
L i1.. 98 90034 19634 228559 2.54 
L 12.. 99 70400 13088 158159 2.25 
L 13..100 57312 12967 100847 1.76 
14..101 44345 12845 56502 1.27 
15..102 31500 12717 25002 - 7% 
16. 102 18783 12564 6219 32 
17..104 6219 6219 

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