Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Eighty-Eight Years. 
- Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
Ages. in. in Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nop, my 
. 1 ————————_. 
Dip, m1 Im. by —lmr1. lo Nom,, my Di, mi 
0& 88 9320000 788559 5343972 2.30 
1.. 89 1531441 426823 3812531 2.49 
2.. 90 | 1104618 340848 2707913 2.45 
3.» 9) 763770 238920 1944143 2.53 
4., 92 524850 157812 1419293 2.70 
5.. 93 367038 99998 1052255 2.87 
6.. 94 267040 69220 785215 2.94 
7.+« 95 197820 47492 587395 2.97 
8.. 96 150328 33454 437067 2.91 
9.. 97 116874 26434 320193 2.74 
10.. 98 90440 19699 229753 2.54 
11.. G9 70741 13141 159012 2.25 
12..100 57600 13024 101412 1.76 
13..101 44576 12901 56836 1.27 
14..102 31675 12775 25161 .79 
15..103 18900 12639 626" 3 
16..104 6261 6261] 
Difference of Age Eighty-Nine Years. 
Number of Living. Sum of Living 200 Btportorom, 
Ages. RET Decrement. Higher Ages. Nom, my 
. 1 —————— 
Dy, mi in. bm —bng1 Ln Nop, my 1, my 
0& 89 1810000 608538 4004955 2.21 
1.. 90 1201462 384667 2803193 2.33 
2.+-91 816795 271245 1986698 2.43 
3.. 92 545550 167658 1441148 2.64 
4,. 93 377892 106012 1063256 2.81 
5.. 94 271880 71600 791376 2.91 
6... 95 200280 48618 591096 2.95 
796 151662 34014 439434 2.90 
S.. 97 117648 26746 321786 2.74 
9.. 98 90902 19842 230884 2.54 
10.. 99 71060 13181 159824 2.25 
11..100 57879 13079 101945 1.76 
12..101 44800 12960 57145. - 1.28 
13..102 31840 12835 25305 .79 Io 
14..103 19005 12705 6300 .33 
15..104 6300 6300 . 
| 074

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