Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Ninety-Four Years. 
ee Curtate 
Number of Living. D Sum of Living Ixpectation, 
_ Asin, RE ecrement. at Higher Ages. Nom, m 
Cartage Dim; my bmn, by =m Amiga Non, my Don, mi 
‘Apectation, — _ . sr ve a i 
my 0& 94 400000 146170 901279 2.25 
Duwi E,. 95 253530 74913 647449 2.55 
— 2.. 96 178917 47985 468532 2.62 
L13 3.. 97 130932 32960 337600 2.58 
160 4,, 98 97972 23205 239628 2.45 
Pr” 5.. 99 74767 14683 164861 2.21 
Ly 65..100 60084 13926 104777 1.74 
7..101 46158 13478 58619 1.27 
ng 8..102 32680 13201 25939 iq 
iL 9..103 19479 13019 6460 or 
i 10. .104 6460 6460 
Difference of Age Ninety-Five Years. 
ap Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation, 
Ages. Le Toy Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nom, my 
D,. mi ln. my —lpt1.lmy 41 Now my Dr, my 
0 & 95 300000 105397 680415 2.93 
1.. 95 194603 54581 485812 2.50 
2. 97 140022 38186 345790 2.47 
3.. 98 101836 24858 243954 2.40 
4., 99 76978 15805 166976 2.17 
5..100 61173 14441 105803 1.73 
6..101 46732 13762 59071 1.26 
7..102 32970 13362 26101 
8,.103 19608 13115 6493 
= 9..104 6493 6493 
Ne . : : 
= Difference of Age Ninety-Six Years. 
£99 a Curtat 
1 81 Number of Living. Sum of Living 
tir Ages. ori dn Decrement, at Higher Ages, Nom, my 
100 mn. 1 , asin sasnieinees 
L4 D,,. mi bn. bm, bn t1.bmy 41 Now. my Dy, my 
“ 0& 96 230000 77702 511477 2.22 
1...97 152298 43392 359179 . 2.36 
2-98 108906 28892 250273 | 2.30 
3..:99 80014 17032 170259 | 2.13 
4,,100 62982 15403 107277 1.70 
5..101 47579 14199 59698 Loi 
6..102 33380 13598 26318 oi 
7..103 19782 13246 6536 33 
8..104 6536 6536 

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