Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Ninety-Seven Years. 
hs Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
Ages. Lil Decrement. at Higher Ages. N my, my 
., o Im . Im, _ Intl Sm 1 Non, my Dip, my 
0& 97 180000 61546 379082 2.11 
1.. 98 118454 32885 260628 2.20 
2... 99 85569 20103 175059 2.03 
3..100 | 65466 16480 109593 1.67 
4,.101 48986 15001 60607 1.24 
5..102 33985 13957 26622 78 
8+.103 20028 13434 6594 .33 
7..104 6594 6594 
Difference of Age Ninety-Eight Years. 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation, 
Ages. ln di Decrement. at Higher Ages. Non, my 
. 1 Tr 
Dn, my Im. Im —lmt1 ny Non, my Dp, ny 
0& 98 140000 46929 276057 1.97 
1..-99 93071 23060 182986 1.97 
2..100 70011 19093 112975 1.61 
3..101 50918 15928 62057 1.22 
4..102 34990 14599 27067 77 
5..103 20391 13715 6676 +33 
6..104 6676 6676 
Difference of Age Ninety-Nine Years. 
on Curtat 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Erne ion, 
Ages. 0. bi Decrement. at Higher Ages. No. ma 
o 1 ee ct 
Dp. my Im. bn, nr dmy 1 No... my D.,... ms 
0& 99 110000 33851 194763 1.77 
1..100 76149 21696 118614 1.56 
2..101 54453 18083 64161 1.18 
3..102 36370 15376 27791 76 
4..103 20994 14197 6797 32 
5..104 6797 6797

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