Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

The policy generally contracts that the policy shall be void if the 
warranty be false ; if the annual premiums be not duly paid ; if the life 
assured shall go beyond certain limits without consent of the Company ; 
and when the policy is effected in the name of the life assured, the 
policy is forfeited in the event of death by suicide, duelling, or the 
hands of justice. In some offices, when the policy has been a certain 
number of years in existence the amount is paid in full, where a bond 
fide assignment has been made. 
As the policy acquires a value which increases with the length of the 
time it has been in force, the possessor, if inclined to discontinue it, may 
surrender it for a sum of money to the office, or to any other party. Pri- 
vate individuals, before purchasing a policy, should endeavour to learn 
the chance of the life assured committing any act contrary to the con- 
ditions thereof, so as to cause it to become void, and the premiums for- 
feited to the company. 
The stamp duty on life assurance policies, as fixed by the 55th 
Geo. III. cap. 184, and 5 & 6 William IV., is 
For sums not exceeding £50. .......£0 2 6 
exceeding £50, and not exceeding 100....... 50 
” 100, and under....-. 500......"JEEN0 0 
amounting to 500, i 1000. ...... 70 0 
eo 1000, 3000... EEG 
3000, 5 5000. 717. TR 0 
’ 5000, and upwards... cv: coeve eee. H 00 
Mixed Assurance Company. Established a.p. 1841. 24, Lombard-street. 
Loans to assurers on approved personal security. 
The profits of the loan bank belong exclusively to the shareholders, 
with the addition of a remunerating deduction from all premiums paid 
monthly into the bank. 
Interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum will be paid upon the 
deposits of shareholders half-yearly, and the dividends upon the profits 
of the loan bank declared annually, after the accounts are audited, in 
the month of January. 
A subscribed capital, acting as a guarantee to the policy-holders. 
The premiums received, after deducting charges, are at the end of 
each month paid over to the loan bank, and interest immediately allowed 
thereon, so that the capital of the policy-holders is always bearing 
The participating policy-holders will, after the payment of five annual 
premiums, become entitled to the whole net profits of the life assurance, 
which, with the surplus guarantee fund, will be applied to the reduc- 
tion of their subsequent premiums annually.

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