Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

AL¥RED. 1097 
Individuals possessing real or personal property, officers in the army 
or navy, clergymen, professional men, merchants, tradesmen, and per- 
it sons of respectability and character, if assured with this Association to 
the amount of £300 at least, for life, may obtain advances of £100, 
a and upwards, for terms varying from three months to any other agreed 
cert ; : : 
period, upon either real or personal security, to be approved of by the 
bond Directors, including the security of policies effected by parties with 
) this Association. 
1 of the 
5 = ALFRED. 
1 I Mixed Company. Established a.. 1839. 51, Old Broad-street. 
the con Four-fifths of all profits appropriated every five years, at the option 
ms fore of the assured, either in reduction of their annual premiums, or in 
addition to their policies. 
he 35th The assured may obtain loans upon a new and advantageous plan, 
peculiar to this Society, the Directors being empowered to employ its 
funds in making advances to parties effecting assurances for life with 
the Association, upon security being given for the payment of the future 
premiums upon their policies, and for the interest payable on such 
loans. - 
Policies made payable at 60, or other ages, whereby parties may 
themselves reap the fruits of their savings, and realize a provision for 
after-life, at an age when they may wish to retire from active employ- 
ment, the Association undertaking to return a fixed proportion of the 
premiums paid on policies of this description in case of surrender. 
Persons assuring the lives of others as security for money, or as 
nominees in leases and otherwise, may, by the payment of a small extra 
premium, be relieved from the risk of the party vitiating the policy by 
going abroad. 
The assured may reside in any part of Europe, and in the British 
i colonies in Australia, Cape of Good Hope, and North America, without 
| extra charge. 
aon the Persons allowed to go to other parts of the world without payment 
aii of any further premium, upon a previous understanding with the Di- 
died. in rectors, that in the event of death in certain countries, or in their voyage 
to and from them, a fixed deduction, commensurate with the risk (ac- 
‘ cording to tables specially calculated for this Association), will be made 
from the sums which, under ordinary circumstances, would become 
payable on the policies. 
ir Annuities granted on an entirely new principle of participation in 
Policies effected on their own lives by persons who shall die by suicide 
or duelling will remain in force to the extent of such bond fide interest 
as any other person shall have acquired therein ; and the Directors have 
oo power, in case of any death by such means, to pay to the widow or family

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