Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

the age, and that to the best of his belief he is, and for six months last 
past has been, in good health, and not subject to any particular illness 
tending to shorten life. 
In cases of suicide, when the policy has been taken out by a party on 
his own life, if it shall have been assigned bond fide, and for a valuable 
consideration twelve months or more previous to death, such policy 
shall remain in force to the extent of the beneficial interest therein of 
the party to whom it shall have been so assigned. 
Proprietary Company. Established a.p. 1833. 39, Throgmorton-street. 
Charging the lowest rate of premium for the sum assured, thereby in 
effect giving to every policy-holder a fixed and certain bonus without 
risk, in lieu of the deferred and frequently delusive prospect of a pe- 
riodical division of profits. 
Premiums payable by a single payment, by payments for a limited 
number of years only, or by yearly, half-yearly, or quarterly payments. 
Assurances granted upon lives up to the age of 80. 
Advances made on policies when their value exceeds £50. 
Policies of this Office purchased by the Company. 
Tables upon an increasing and decreasing scale of payment. 
The assured may reside in any part of Europe without paying any 
additional premium. 
Claims payable in three months after proof of death, or immediately 
on allowing the discount. 
Policies assigned as bond fide security, not void by death from suicide, 
duelling, or the hands of justice. 
Moderate rates for foreign climates, and for persons suffering under 
disorders not attended with immediate danger to life. 
Lapsed policies revived within three months upon payment of an 
additional sum of 5s. per cent. 
Policies can also be effected on payment of premiums increasing or 
decreasing after the lapse of a certain number of years, 
Proprietary Company. Established a.p. 1824. 70, Cornhill. 
Ascending and descending scale of premiums. Portion of the pre- 
miums may be left unpaid, to be deducted, with 4 per cent compound 
interest at the time of claim, from the sum assured. 
Advanced age, infirm health, peculiar form, or chronic disease, assured 
at special rates. 
Mixed Assurance Company. Established a.p. 1808. 22, Cheapside. 
Profits ascertained at the end of every seventh year, and appropri- 
ated either as an addition to the policy, or in reduction of the annual

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