Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

option of discontinuing the payment of all further premiums after 20, 
15, 10, and even 5 years, and the policy still remaining in force,—in 
the first case, for the full amount originally assured, and in either of 
the three other cases, for a portion of the same according to a fixed and 
equitable scale endorsed upon the policy. 
Females and others, to whom it may be inconvenient to appear at the 
Office, visited at their own houses by one of the medical officers. 
All claims payable within one month after proof of death. 
No proof of birth is required at the time a claim is made: the age of 
the assured, being in every case admitted in the policy, cannot under 
any circumstances be afterwards called in question. 
Policies effected by parties on their own lives are not rendered void 
in case of death by duelling or the hands of justice. In the event of 
suicide, if the policy be assigned to a bond fide creditor, the sum assured 
will be paid without deduction : if the policy be not so assigned, the full 
amount of premiums received thereon will be returned to the family of 
the assured. 
Policies having become forfeited, in consequence of the non-payment 
of the renewal premiums, may be revived, without the exaction of a fine, 
at any time within twelve calendar months, on the production of satis- 
factory evidence relative to the state of the health of the assured, and 
the payment of interest on the premiums due. 
Mixed Company. Established a.p, 1820. 35, Cornhill. 
Profits to be declared every seven years amongst those who have paid 
six annual premiums, and appropriated either as additions to the sum 
assured, or in diminution of the annual premium. Participating and 
non-participating rates. In 1835 the first bonus was declared, amount- 
ing to £26 7 10 per cent on the premiums. 
Persons insuring for the whole of life are permitted, if they desire it, 
to leave one-third of the premium for the first seven years unpaid, with 
an option to pay it then or at any other time, or to leave it asa perma- 
nent loan, to be deducted from the sum insured when the loss is paid, 
the interest on the loan being payable at the same time with the pre- 
Mixed Company. Established a. n. 1839. 5, Whitehall. 
The assured for all ages up to 55 have the option of allowing one- 
half of their premiums to remain unpaid for seven years. 
Participating and non-participating rates. 
The assured on the participating scale to receive the whole of the pro- 
fits derived from that branch of the business. 
The first division to take place in February, 1846, and afterwards at 
the end of every succeeding period of five years.

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