Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

ticipating and non-participating rates. “Policy on a party’s own life 
not vitiated by suicide, when it has been bond fide assigned. 
Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1807. 6, New Bridge-street. 
Bonuses of two-thirds of the profits are declared septennially, and 
divided amongst the assured, in proportion to the sum assured and the 
duration of the policy ; such bonuses are either payable with the sum 
assured, or may be applied in reduction of the annual premiums. 
Mixed Assurance Company. Established a.p. 1820. Sun-court, Cornhill. 
Participating and non-participating rates. Two-thirds of the profits 
appropriated decennially amongst those entitled to participate. 
On the 22nd of June, 1831, a bonus of £1 10 per cent per annum 
on the sums assured was declared on policies for the whole term of 
life effected on or before the 31st of January, 1827. 
The present value of these additions may be received or applied in 
reduction of annual premiums; or upon the whole policy being surren- 
dered a new insurance for a less sum may be obtained without any 
further premium. 
b oT ‘Reduction in Premium 
TES — New 
Addition Present For For the Policy, | 
gre] ony lms gett Bint whe cp 
caly. Life. Premium 
Ne ev £ TEM £ 
20 1000 21 15 10 150° ' 47.17 .7;5 18. 71.2: 1] 333 
39 1000 26 14 2 150 58 0 | 713 61312 365 | 
40 1000 3319 2 150 7110 1119 5 3] 5 5 2 400 
50 1000 45 6 8 150 86 .4:9/11 15 3 7 16 0] 438 
60 1060 63 13 4 150 102 17 8115 14 0:12 12 0! 3513 
Mixed Company. Established a.n. 1823. 187, Fleet-street. 
Four-fifths of the profits are appropriated to the persons assured for 
the whole term of life. 
At the end of every seven years, the profits divisible amongst the 
assured will be apportioned amongst such as shall have been so assured 
for the space of three years or upwards previously to those periods re- 
spectively, subject to the reservation of such a sum of money as the 
directors shall deem necessary to be carried forward to the period of 
the next septennial division for the beuefit of the assured. For the 
amounts which shall be so apportioned, equivalent reversionary sums 
will be added to the policies. - Policies granted on persons’ own lives not 
p 7g

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