Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Mixed Company. Established a.n. 1840. 3, Charlotte-street, Mansion House. 
Participating and non-participating rates. 
Those paying the participating rates will be entitled to the whole of 
the profits derived from the mutual branch. of the business. 
The sum assured may be made payable to the assured at any specific 
age, or to his representatives in the event of his death before that age. 
Mutual Assurance Society. Established a.n. 1839. 448, West Strand. 
Participating and non-participating rates. 
The average profits of one year are annually distributed by a reduc- 
tion of the future premiums, or by a bonus added to the policy, at the 
option of the assured, to those members who have paid premiums for - 
five entire years. 
Policies are granted for the amount assured, to be received at the end | 
of a term of years, although the party assured may be alive, but the 
assurance to be determined nevertheless by his death, though it should 
take place before the expiration of the term. 
Premiums may be payable quarterly, half-yearly, or annually; and 
to obviate the necessity of allowing policies to drop in case of temporary 
inability to pay the premium, the Society will advance, on the security 
of the policy alone, its estimated value. Premiums may also be com- 
muted into a single payment, or into a limited number of annual pay- 
In case of death from duelling, suicide, or by the hands of justice, 
although the party may have assured his own life, the policy will not 
be invalidated to the extent of the bond fide interest of any other person 
or persons who may have acquired such interest, provided such interest 
has been acquired six months previous to such event occurring. If no 
such interest be vested in any other person or persons as aforesaid, the 
legal representatives of the deceased shall be entitled to receive a sum 
equal to the amount the Society would have given in the way of purchase 
for the policy on the day previous to such decease. 
All claims accruing by death will be paid within one calendar month " 
after satisfactory proof of death. 
The Directors are empowered to allow the substitution or introduction 
as a member of a person of not earlier birth, in place of any member 
who may be desirous of withdrawing from the Society. 
Policies, after five years’ standing, on being deposited with the Society, 
may be kept in force by the payment each year of half the premium 
and interest on all arrears, in which case the remaining portion of the 
premium may be deducted from the sum assured when the policy be- 
comes a claim.

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