Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

cicted By loans, without interest, on the security of two responsible persons, 
dies, who of sums not exceeding £10 at one time, to be repaid by quarterly instal- 
Vision fir ments within two years. 
By gratuities of sums not exceeding £10 at one time, in cases of long 
i and expensive illness, or other serious calamity, together with medical 
W, every assistance, if required. 
wel By allowances of not more than 8s. per week, nor for any period ex- 
ining ceeding six months. 
By an allowance, not exceeding Ss. per week to one family, to orphan 
de wil children of deceased members under fourteen years of age. 
oir By assisting any member of the Benefit department (if a clerk at the 
y time of entrance) with the means of continuin g the payment of his pre- 
} mium, provided such member is, from distress, unable to keep it up, 
and has previously maintained his payments for at least five years. 
Mutual Assurance Company. Established a.p, 1841, 
nor Participating and non-participating rates. 
The whole of the profits divided amongst the assured entitled to par- 
§= ticipation. 
¢ Ascending scale of premiums. 
- ROCK. 
. Mixed Company. Established a.n. 1807. 14, New Bridge-street, Blackfriars. 
a The profits are divided periodically, at intervals of not less than seven 
years; two-thirds being appropriated to the policies of the assured for 
g the term of life, and the remaining third added to the subscription 
* n Capital stock, on which a dividend is paid annually to the proprietors. 
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