Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Table of the Addition made to each sum of £100 assured for the term of life, 
and to be paid when the policy shall become a claim. 
Addition in Additionin Addition in  Additionin Total 
Date of Policy. 1819, 1826, 1833, 1840, Addition. 
2 per Cent. 1 per Cent. lL. 6s. per Ct. 15s. per Cent. 
£. 's £. » £.os, E..s £. 8 
On or before ; 
ON }] 20 19 0 33 16 24 15 101 11 } 
1807 22 0 18 0 32 10 24 0 96 10 a 
1808 20 0 17.0 31 4 23 5 91 -9 VeH 
1809 18 0 5:0 29 18 22 10 86 8 . 
1810 16:0 15 28 12 21 15 81 77 | 
1811 14; 14 27 6 21 0 76 6 
1812 12 13 26 0 20 5 71 5 
1813 10 2 24 14 19 10 66 1 
1814 § J 11 23 8 18 15 61 J 
1815 6 10 22 2 18 0 56 2 
1816 4 0 » 20 16 17 5 51 1 
1817 2: 6 ‘ 19 10 16 10 46 0 
1818 7 18 4 15 15 40 19 
1819 b 16 18 15 0 37 18 
1820 15 12 14 5 34 17 
1821 : 14 6 13 10 31 16 
1822 o 13 0 12 15 28 15 
1823 2 wu 11 14 12 0 25 14 
1824 1 0 10° 8 113 22 13 
1825 - 9.2 10 10 19 12 
1826 oe. 7 16 915 17 11 
1827 1 6 10 0.0 15 10 
1828 . 5 4 8 45 13 9 
1829 3 18 7 10 11 8 
1830 2 12 6 15 97 
1831 1 6 6 0 7 6 
1832 oo 5:5 HEH 
1833 3 va 410 4 10 
1834 . > oo 315 » 156 
1835 . oc 52 3 0 1) 
1836 . 2 5 2 5 
1837 = 110 110 
1838 » 0 15 015 
Mixed Company. Established a.n. 1722. (Temporary Office) Lombard-street. 
The assured by policies effected with this corporation, on and after 
the 1st January, 1842, for the whole term of life, constitute distinct X 
classes, and two-thirds of the net profits that may appear to the govern- = 
ors and directors (on an investigation to be made septennially) to have - 
separately accrued, upon policies effected in Great Britain and Ireland, or 
shall be respectively apportioned among such of the British and Irish 
assurances then subsisting as shall be then found to have had three 
annual premiums at least paid thereon ; the bonus so apportioned to be 
applied, in each case, in either of the two following modes, according to 
the option declared at the time of effecting the assurance, viz.:— 
By augmentation of the sum assured. 
By reduction of the future premiums. 

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