Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Pc serving to themselves the power of setting apart, in case of necessity, a 
rs portion of the profits as a reserved fund. 
die At every septennial valuation, the next of which will be at Midsum- 
mer, 1843, the profits apportioned to each policy then in force, and on 
. which not less than five annual premiums may have been paid, will be 
0 the Yeas * appropriated at the option of the holder in any of the four following 
ways :— 
oo By a payment in then present money. 
ass By an equivalent augmentation of the sum assured, payable at the 
gol extinction of the life. 
tan 7 By an equivalent reduction of the subsequent annual premium. 
By granting a separate policy, insuring the payment at the failure of 
isu | the life of a sum which, at the time the profits were appropriated, was 
pid just worth those profits in then present money. 
aol Provided that a written declaration of such option be left at the office 
die 1g of the society within three months next after the division shall have 
} Js 1 been declared ; and if such option be not so declared, the sum previously 
} Jun 8 assured by the policy will receive an augmentation equivalent to the 
IGRI profits such policy may be entitled to in then present money. 
om Ll 
_— Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1834. 8, Waterloo-place. 
¥ 8 | | Two-thirds of the profits added periodically to the sum assured, or 
HEH | applied in reduction of the annual premium. 
im 0 0 Premiums may be paid quarterly, half-yearly, or annually. 
: When an insurance is for life, half the premium may remain unpaid 
adit for five years at interest, to be deducted eventually from the policy, or 
0 age be paid off at convenience. Ascending and descending scales of pre- 
w ot down miums are adopted. 
Persons afflicted with complaints not attended with immediate danger 
to life may be insured at premiums proportioned to their peculiar situa- 
: ie Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1714. 
ah The deed of settlement declares that profits shall be declared every 
: qd 0 seven years on insurances for the whole term of life. 
ihe re Participating and non-participating scales of premiums. 
The addition of profits payable with the sum insured on all policies 
effected for the whole term of life on and prior to December 31, 1833, 
aes © and duly in force, amounts with a previous bonus, on a scale from 
wibiafe £16 9 per cent on the sum insured by policies of the longest duration, 
cool he and varying accordingly with the dates of the respective insurances. 
a on 38Y

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