Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Mixed Company. Established a.n. 1834. 1, King William-street. 
The concerns of this Society to be regularly investigated by auditors, 
to be chosen as well by the assured as by the proprietors, and its assets 
and liabilities valued. 
The shareholders receive interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, 
and at the end of five years from the establishment of the office, the 
profits, after payment of such interest, to be distributed ; one-fourth to 
the shareholders, and the remaining three-fourths to the holders of 
policies for the whole term of life who shall have been assured for the 
full period of five years ; after which the distribution will be continued 
annually on a similar plan. 
Money advanced on policies by way of loan to the amount of two- 
thirds of the estimated value. 
The first division of profits took place on the 13th of May, 1840, 
when a reduction of 60 per cent was declared on the annual premiums 
of all those policies entitled to participation, and similar reductions were 
declared in 1841 and 1842. 
The following table will show the operation of the reduction made by 
the Society :— - 
Age when Annual Pre- 
Policy was Detect Baier Sum Original Reduction. 'mium payablej 
issued. Assured. Premium. in 1840. 
£. Lis. d LZ. 30.4% £5 d 
20 | May, 1834. 1000 ' 19 6 8 1112 0 714 8 
30 1000 24 8 4 1413 0 ' 915 4 
40 | 2 1000 3110 0 1818 0 1212 0 
50 > 1000 42 15 0 2513 0 172-0 
60 1000 66-11-28 39:19 4 26 12 8 
Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1825. 24, Suffolk-street. ¥ 
Assurances may be effected on the lives of all persons whose names 
are, or have been, during any period, however short, on the books or 
boards of any college or hall at Oxford or Cambridge. 
Assurances may be effected on the lives of such persons against the 
lives of any person whatsoever. 
A division of profits is made every five years, and very nearly nine- 
tenths appropriated to the assured, either by a proportionate diminution 
of premium, by an increase in the amount of the policy, or by a present 
payment of the value in money, at the option of the party. 
The society will be always ready to purchase from the party in pos- 
session any unexpired policy, or the additions thereon; or to lend the 
present value of both at interest, on the deposit of the policy with the 

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