Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Annual Premiums for Assuring the Sum of £100 on a Single Life for One Year. 
Tondon ! London 1 Edinbro’, London 
Ages. Life Asso-| Corpora- and and West: Medical Metro- ~~ Minerva. Mutual. 
ciation. tion. Dublin, minster. Invalid. politan. 
£. 5. ABE. 8 dE. s. dE 5. dBE. 5. dBE. 5s. dBRL. 5. dL. sd 
1600 160830 15 50 16 1180 153 3 Ty 015.680 17 4/019 2 
1780 17730 17 10/0 17 . 6lH0 15 9 , 0 16.3080 19 1(1 1 2 
LO ISHS 1l OO 980 17 1180 16 2 . 0:16.61 0 10/1: 3:3 
(ONO 19T13(.1 3 780 183 280 16 ‘8 os 0.17 ‘ I 2 81 5.0 
o0BR1 0 381 6 21.019 2{i0 17 2 : 017 ei. Vv 4 711 7 3 
2111 1 3/110 2,019 4 017 9| 019.3018 ol 1 5 9/1 810 
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23 m2 L 1171 1. 0 11,0 18 89.1 O 3080 19 0/1 6 1111 9 8 
24 2 ol 11179;:1..0.9,,019 3:1 0 84019 6,1 7 3|110 2 
581 3 0l.111 411 011.1 0 O0h1 1 ORl 0 2.1 7 8/110 7 
26 + 3219712010091 1100101181111 
O78EER 33 441 9 141 2 8(1 1 301 2 9m) 1-4/1 8 6i1 11.87 
2S 37 681 S11,1 31611 11181 31011 2.0.1 8 11|1 12182 
2901 3 8 1.9 off1. 85 0.1 2 5,1 41181 2 61-1 9 4/1 12:8 
SOR] 310.1 8S 0,1 6 3 i 3 0; I 001 3 21.1:10 311 18 J 
31 Boole ofc 3 771 7 oft 2.8110 9!1 13 10 
SEN. 4 2] 1. 9 o| 1.711 4 3:1 7-1081 4 21-1 11 43(1 14:5 
SJE A 41 1 9 271 8B 5a 4MSl 1 8S 61 4 -9|.1 11.89/1:15 © 
S4EEl 4 6f 1 8 1 1.811/¢ 5 %3/ 1 9 111 5 : 112 49/1 15:8 
358A 4:8 1 51181 9 2IRY 5 9.110 011 5 9.113 4116 4 
Solel. 4 10.1 9 1 9 off 6 31 111 2{1 6 8/11311{117 o 
37S Uf. 1 10 101 11 10m 7 80n1 12 711 7 0 115 0j1:17 9 
38 = 3.1.10 F511 13 11j@m a7 BR1 13 64.1 .7 ‘8.1 15 8;1 18 5 
SON 5" 611 11 17 1 14 51 "8S '6{i1 14 581 8 64116 41119 .3 
4001 6 01 111 7111410081 9 5811410.1 9 6R117 712 0 _7 
41 "6 60112 0/115 30110 51115 4/110 6L118 412: 2:0 
42 73801-12881 1 15 91 11 6 1.15 115:1 11 61 19 8i2 3-6 
43 FEO] 1299.1 16; 411 12:96: 1.16 6{ 1 12 - 62 OO 612 4.6 
44 S*i0L.1.13 21. 1 16 5 113 8611 16 1131 13 -6@2 1 352. 5 7 
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asl 901113 81117 841 16 0] 1.18 0}.116 .0082 8 3 2 710 
47 1. 916481:13 4] 1 18 9 117 1081.18 8:1 17 982 4 32 9.0 
438 1 10P%61. 1 14 8h 1 19 2, 1.19 8/119 2119-682 5 13(2:10..3 
49 | 11] 61°16 4)-119 882 1 6| 1-79-74 2-1 3M2 7 0{212-3 
50 R11 13 GiR1 19 6{12 0 523 | 2 010, 2 3 0) 2.9 71215 1 
511116 32 2 322 ¢ 32 2.6/2.4 64212 41217 3 
5281 19036182 5 11:28: 22 4 1ia2 6-3..214 6]2 18-1 
5302 31 0182 9 11EE2F/ 2. 6: 0i§2 8 01.216 ‘113 1.0 
5402 6 612 14 692 Rt 2 8 61.2 10 0 217 913 3. 0 
55382 10 O02 18 1{.2 14 Lip 2 14 0) 21210212 013 0 413 5 1 
561213 6/219 ol2 10l2. 31218 0/214 6/3 2 33 7 4 
h79k2 17 OfE3 3 8 : 5:3 1 6217 6/3 4 43 9 9 
58 2 6 6/3 6 o 3 703 6 0S .0.6;3 .7 5312-4 
5ST AY "ORS 8 11! 3 7 311 10 3:4 0:3 11 8i315. 1 
GO MIE 7 - G3 10 2m vase 12101.3 18.1183 8 0] 3 16 _3i3 18 9 
t 1 1 i 

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