Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Annual Premiums for Assuring the Sum of £100 on a Single Life for One Year. 
Ages. Palladiom. | Pelican. | Promoter. | Protector. Protestant Provident Reliance. | Rock. 
Dissenters. | 
£. 5. ZL. 8s. dgf. 5 dRE. 5 dL. 5. dL. 5s. d}Wl. s d.|£. s. d 
160.0 16 9/,0 17 11{;0 14 410 17 4 5 0 10.,.200 15 6/0 19 . 2 
17910 18 60 18 4/10 14. 8 0 19 1: .e ! 210 16 0j1 1 .2 
1SBl. 1 0 4/3018 9/,0 15 1] 1 0 10" 9 ; 3{ 0.17 01 3 3 
JOR! 1 1 10,019 2/015 6/1 2 8 - ! 01.018 0{1 5 0 
208.1 3 1ojg0 19 7H0 15.11[.1 ‘4  7lRo 19 OIF] "7°.3R018 2{1 7 .3 
21 1 5 2 © 1016 41 5 9019 0 1 810/018 4/1 810 
22081 5 7 7H0 16.10). 1 ‘6 60 19 61 9 3M0 18 35/1 9 3 
2301 5 11 Wo 17 4151 6 11/80 19-111 9 'Sp0 19 6/1 9 & 
24881 6 4G URr7@0 17 10/1 7 341 0 431 10 23019 8/1 10 2 
25° 1 6 9) 1 2 2] 013 4f1 7 sjk1 1. 281.10 7R0 19 10l1 10 7 
260t 7 2| 1 2 980181181 8 181 1 *SE1.11. 1} 1.0.01 11.1 
70 75:8 1. 3 490 19 541 8 6/1 2 1W1 11,47{1 1 HI 11.397 
SSEEE PE 1 3111 0 1 1 818d 2 "75112 1] 1 2 :3/1 12-.1 
201 8 711 4 711.0 8R1 9 441 3 0|:112 8{1 3.5112. 8 
SOME] 9 1.1 5 31 1 5110 31 4 0.113 3.1 3:8{113 3 
SINE] 9 ZELI6 01-2 1,110 9.1 4 58113 911 411{1 13.10 
S201 10, NCE 0ll 1 2.10{,1 11 3B] 5 381 14.411 6 2/1 4.5 
33 110 ¢ 77,1 3 64111 991 6 1m115 01 6 5115 0 
SEN] 11.9201 % 5/1 4 4/112 91 6 1181 15 8,1 6 8{115 8 
3581 11 OR] 9 311 5 14113 481 7 431.16 411 8 0/116 4 
36: 112 41 10 2| 1.51181 13 1181-8 381 17-041 8 ‘4/1 17 © 
S7HR1 13. O0fL1 11g8281- 6. 88115 Ol 9 3281.17 9@1 9 9|117 9 
SSE] 13] S{E1 1288281 7 6f1 15 sll 10 §781 18 631 10 1i1 18 6 
39 114 4 1 13"§2].1 8 d 116 alk1 11 6f119 311 10 6(119 3 
40881 135 641 14 3.1 9 18/1 17 7) 112 0 2 0 811101012 0 8 
41001 16° off1.15 4fl1 9 11081 18 4ll1 134702 2 0 111 312 2.0 
420] 18° 1}1.16 651 10 731 19 8:1 14@s8ik2 3 «681 11 82 3.6 
43381 18 11.31 17 931.11 212 0 '6R1 15942 4 6 113 2|2 4.6 
40) 19 101.19 O01 11.1192 1 581 17 452 5 6@1 141012 5. 6 
45 2 0 9 2 0 4|1 12 l 2 2 3) 119 712 6 83115 42 6.8 
46° 2 1 9] 2.1 of113 of2 3 silz 0 shz 7.1081 15 102 7.10 
A7BE2 210/82 3 3[l113 742 4 382 2 432.9 om117 7|12 9 .0 
ASD. 4 GiR2 4 911.14. 482 5 1182 4 1| 9.10. 381 19 5/2 10 3 
JON? 5 32 6 611.15 2082 7 Ooffi2 5108212 3@W2 1 3212.3 
S502 8 2i§2: 8 4111 16 5| 2 9 782 8 O0M2 15 1m2 4 6|2 15. 1 
S512 11 8] 9.10 31i1.18 12 12 482 10, 3W2 17 42 7 112 17 4 
5202 14 52.12 al§2 0 [282 14 62 12{,72 19 1042 11 6219 1 
53NE2 17 118214 6{32 2 82 16, 1W2 15 1803 1 06215 43 1 0 
54 | 3 1 489 16 10/82 5 62 17 9R2 17 8/3 3 0{j216 73 3.0 
55°13 5 1/219 472 810/13 0 4/219 9.3 5 0.219 43 5 0 
56883 7 3s 1n1R212 73 2 Bs 3 943 7 343 2 33 7. 3 
57 3 9 8,3 4 9/216 8 3 4.44,3 7 53 98,3 5 43 9 8 
S583 12 43° 7 S{ES .1 2W3h.7 I5W3 11 48 12. '3»3 8:8|3 12 3 
SOMES 15, 13:10 113 5 113,11 §8°3 16 3 315. 131212315 1 
GOBES 18 283 14 493 10 113 16_3..4 1 04:3 18 113 14 5/3 18 __1 

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