Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Aunual Premiums for Assuring the Sum of £100 for the Whole Term of a Single 
Life, with Participation. 
Cleticnl Eagle, 
Ages. | Cale- Church of City of Clergy | and Crowns FT ST 
donian. England. Glasgow. Mutual. Medical. Male. | Female. 
Los dl soda £8.0d) EB. si dil B sody £08. dE 5 d. £. sd. 
16 1116 5 114 5 115 4/111 8 11610 116 7 118 8/112 8 
liar elvis 10116 51112 6f117 9 L117 5) 119 9113 4 
18t117 9 vr1310 117 7 113 4/118 8/118 3 3) 9j113 11 
19 L118 7{ 116 7 118 6 114 34119 7b x19 H 2 + 8[1 14 7 
200 119 5{¥17 4 119 5115 Oy 2 0: 6119111 2 % 3{115 1 
91 2 0 8/118 112 0 6/116 0/2 1 5/2 010/2 3 4j:11510 
29 2 1 2/11811 2 1 4/117 0/2 2 42 1 9/2 310116 6 
23 2/9 91199 2 2 8118 0 2 8 3/2 2 9/2 4 4117 3 
294 2 3 2/2 0 712 3 5/119 002 4 2/2 3 9/2 410/118 0 
95 2 4 2/2 1 6 2 4 4220 22 5 202 21002 5 6{118 9 
26 2 5 8/2 2 g g.5 si v 46 H2510% 86 24119 § 
27 2.6 512 389286 5/2 2627 202 611127 002.043 
98 2.7 NF 4&4 na 7 5f2 810028 2128 12 71012:14 
29 2 8 9/2 5 : 2 8 6l2 5 029329 22 81012 2 3 
30 2 910/2 6102 9 9/2 6 4 210 al 2:10 4/2 910/23 2 
31 21011] 2 8 1121011} 2 7 6/211 6/211 6 210112 4 2 
32 212 1/12 9 6/212 2/2 8 8 212 8/212 9/212 02 5 3 
33 213 5/21010{ 213 5/210 0, 213111214 0/213 3/2 6 4 
34 214 ) 212 4 214100211 6/215 2215 4/214 72 7 5 
35 216 1/21311'316 3/213 0 216 6/216 9/216 0/2 8 7 
36 217 8 215 8/217 9/214 8 217101218 2/217 6/2 9 9 
37 219 2/217 5 219 4/216 6 219 3121910 219 1j211 0 
38 3.0 9/219 4/3 1 0/218 4 30 831 2/3 0 9212 3 
30 3:2 6/3 1 43 2 8/30 23 22,3 2100.3 2:6]1213.7 
0 1342 336/3463¢2233¢83473442150 
a1 3 5113 5 9) 36 432 035 443613536 2h 16 6 
42 3:7 8.38 t13 8 3/26 0/3 7 013 8 43 8:4218 40 
43 3 9 5/310 8 310 4/3 8 0/3 9 0/310 6/310 8219 9 
44 3aY 4313.4 312 61310 {311 0/312 8.313 03.1 6 
45 313 4/316 3/314: 8/312 4/313 0315 0/315 83 3 4 
46 315 713193 317 1, 314108 315 6/317 6/318 6{3:5 5 
ZZ 317111 42° 6 2319: 8/3172 °6 315 0 4 9 14 kL 73-7 7 
7 a0 71 & 511 4 2° 6/40 441 04211145063 910 
49 4:3 714 90 6:4 5:11 4 3 B14 4 6,4 5:10/4 8 7312 4 
5014 7 0 413 3 48 3f4 7 214 7 3| 4 8111412 4/315 0 
51 "4:10 sl a172 51413 31411 44210 6 412 14136 4{3:17 9 
52 414 8/5 1. 9/414 2/415 8414 0 415 3/5 0 54 1 0 
53 4718 6/5 6 4/417 4/5 0 2] 217 6,418 6/5 4 84 4 4 
54 52100511 3/5 0:85 5 0/51 3,5 1:11|{5 8114. 7 11 
35 {3:7 8/516 5/5 4 2/3510 4/5 5:0y5 5 7% 513 0411 8 
56 [512 86 11115 8 als16 ols 9 al 35 9 6/517.101415 9 
571518 1/6 7 9/512 3/6 2 2 513 0/513 6/6 210/5 0 0 
58 16:4 ol613 11] 516 6/6 8 6/517 6]513 0] 6 710]5. 4 6 
50 licio10} 7 0 6161 2615 06 2 016 2 4/612 7{5.9 6 
80615 7/7 7 6.6 6 117 1 616 7 2/6 7 21618 2/514 7 

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