Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

TABLE Iii. ) 
Annual Premiums for Assuring the Sum of £100 for the Whole Term of a Single 
Life, with Participation. 
- London, 
dinbro’ don 
bee oR Loneo ml . t= Medical Metro- Minerva, | Mutual, 
ro Fetal Ages. Pa SED Be Br CL Data, | _ 
iE 6s din hee 4 Poh 0% Te St srs 
ty aa l'2 0 3 114 0 
11 16 ° 3 
116 6 21 5 11410{116 2115 517 2 R181 15 G 
Rept ERG EE: ARE. A 1g 6,114 2/ 11711) 119 2116 3 
1 18 yz 35a a1 al11s obi1s 82 eth 17 3 
Hg 20 - l2 4 3/117 4/119 11511 119 6/2 1 0118 & 
HL 5 2 6/25 0/113 3/20 0116 9/2 0 52 110/11811 
os 2 213 0/3 5 8 170 4/2 1 0117 5/31 32 2 811911 
Hao 2303.13 6102 6 3102 ¢ al92 2 0F1 18 olla 2 aff2..3 6l2 on 
Laon 24 214 0/2 61012 1 5 2 3 0/ 11910023 02 4 52 111 
Hails 251214 6/2 7 6/2 2 712 4 02011 2 4 0/2 5 42 31 
Hill 6 215 0/2 8 2 2 3102 50/2 2 02 5 12 6 4/2 4 2 
TN 27 216 029023 1260233261327 4255 
{1933 28 217 0/2 911, 2 6 4/2 7 0/2 4627 3284268 
1d; PRRs win 0 TS {IE S02 7 ops Bde sioR oi 
Ha 30219 0/211111 2 81002 9 6/2 610 2 9 9/210 7]2 9 5 
$13 § 2 11 102 10 1 
11169 300213 112101211 028 3211 1121 : 
i281 a 316214 3211 4212 62 9 4212 7/213 0212 5 
bi93 33003 3 002 15 Giz 13 934. 04 19 § 214 11214 4/2 14 0 
LIZ 34 3 4 6/ 216111 214 3] 215 $212 11215 5 213 32s 2 
110 6 35 3 6 0/218 4 215101217 4/213 5 217 5 217 01217 5 
12 : 11 218 6/2 19 4 
THE 36 3 7 6:21911 217 6/219 0/215 2/219 : 
31105 9 FES 81013 J 792 19 Signo 4u S02 10 1148 Og0fs 01 0 | 150 
E1217 6 Bepail @l 5 5 393 | 1000 aR0 18 ARS SNS L718 S52 
1{10 4 39 373 0/35 1/3 3034430634233 3354 
11313 40 315 0/3 7 0,3 5 0/3 6 332 536 4 
nig 13.8 3/34 3;3 8 513:6:9|3 9.9 
si usar hs © Gf 4 Tne se as M125 daze seas guy 
00356 42 319 0/311 2°3 81 
ar 4 1 6/313 71311 8313 0/3 8 1/313 4/310 8313 8 
e310 340316 1/313 3/315 9/310 3/316 2/312 8315 9 
dH 45 4 6 6/318 9 315 5/318 6/312 6] 318111 314 11{3 17 11 
1 3/317 3/4 0 2 
15 2 GHR4:9 offq 11 9E317 1141: 2(R3 14 1084 | 
80; 47 413 0/4 5 0/4 0 7 4 3101317 5/4 310 319 84 2 7 
ss 4:16 o6lfa 8 68a 3 704:6:4(F4 0 2ff4 6:504 2:44 5:1 
iii 38 2 1.9. 004 3st 9 afa:5.90 7210 
160 9 5 0 0/412 2/4 611 3 dasulld 200 
496 50 5 4 0/416 1/410 7/412 0/4 7 0/412 0 
vais 15 441010] 415 2/411 0413 6 
Jun: 3 Ps 0s A IR a a aa 21416 5 
Hand DE ol a aU ais hE A ced 1a7 
Jit 31 60 0/513 3585559540555 015 210 
1303 55'6 4 6/517 9513 85 9 6/5 81005 9 1'5 4 85 6 4 
5 '5:8:75 10 1 
| 516 0 514 7| 513 4 
138: 5 613 067455561 0605517 7151210514 0 
eas 25 618 0/612 5 6111016 5 7(6 6 6/6 111 517 4518 2 
Highs 50 (7 3 0] 617 10| 6 18 4610 8612106 676 226238 
oy 2 aS ee a5 15 colle 11 Ser? fe 7 4 

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