Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

TABLE II. 1155 
Annual Premiums for Assuring the Sum of £100 for the Whole Term of a Single 
Life, with Participation. 
Norwich ges. Palladium. | Pelican. Promoter. | Protector. Protestant’ Provident Reliance. | Rock. 
“Union | ; Dissenters. Clerks’. 
Lag £.s5 d| £5. d| £.s. d £.5 d| £5. d| £5 d| £5 d|£ s d 
115 § 16 11 19. 581 15. 9|11.13 eW1 17 25117 481 12 ofl 14 :0l1 19 5 
11g g 17/2 01881 16 7] 114 30118 :2}118 1{8113 ‘6jl1 14112 0 8 
117 8 18.1.2 1 81117 5 115 1/8119 2/118 108112 A'11510]2 1 8 
Lig § 1902 2 S118 4 116 002 0 11119 6B1:15 38116 82 2 8 
9 2002 3 7.119 3.116 1182 1 oflz 0 oli 16 W117 7{2 3 7 
10 2112 4 6/2 0 2011711 2 110/21 3/ 116100118 7|2 4 6 
i : 22002 5 482 1 2h as 1182 2 sls 1 100 17 7119 72 54 
11 23002 6 S[H2 2 22. 0 192 3 cle 3 13118 4[§2 0 sz 6.3 
114 2allz 7 112 2 3l2 1 3 2.4 502 4 OF119 282 '1 9/2 7:4) 
(1s 25003 8 12 4 4ffz 2 6/lz 5 a2 5 M2 0 Mz 2112 83 
: 2602 9 182 5 sila: 3 ole 6 afi2 5 2a 1 3 2 3 202 9 1 
] i 27 210 ! 2:6 7fl2 5 | 2 7 a 2 7 4,2 2 7182 5 42 100) 
1g 25SEC 11 182 7 olf? 6 782 8 482 8 sa 3112 6 sla 1 
11 29082 12 382 9 ofz 71182 9 682 9 offs 5 209 711[212 3 
18m 30082 13 5/210 4ff2 9 2/0210 70211 112 6. 42 9 4213 5 
31 31 214 7/211 8 210 6/211 10] 212 4 2 7 7/2 10 8{Z 147 
1 : 3 215 : 2 13 i 2 11 3 2 13 0 213 9/2 810/212 11215 9 
11 3 3. 217 11214 6/213 4 214 4l215/2 210 3/213 7/217 1 
i 4 34 218 a) 216 0 214111 215 8 216 6 211 9/215 1/218 5 
HT 35 219100217 77216 8 217 0/218 0 213 5/216 9/219 10 
153 36 3 1 4/219 3/218 5218 g 219100215 1/218 4/3 1 4 
ins 37 3 210[3 0 tH 30 | 3 0031 i 2 16 3 390 13 21 
Ty SSEE3 4 ol83 2 sls 2-4/5 1 7083 3 Po asi offs 1 HS 4 6 
3 39 8691340634 5 3 3 alls 2 10 30 | 3 31113 6 2 
120 40883 7 11083 6 53.6. 6{8s 5 ols 7 offs 2 siz 5 10/3 791 
41093 9 offs 8 503.5 703 6 93 9 1 3523803909 
33s 42 311 8310 6/310 93 8 8/311 1/3 7 8 310 3/311 8 
21 43 313 8 312 831211 310 8/313 3/310 4 31210313 8 
ie 44 315 9/315 0/315 3 312 8 315 ] 313 1/315 4/315 9 
A300 4 31711 317 4 317 §| 314118319 18316 1083 18 ol317 11 
46 4 0 2/31910/4 0 5/317 3/4 2 0/318 8/4 01114 0 2 
138 47 4 2 7/4 2 5/4 3 3/319 8450416440427 
53 48 4 5 1/4 5 2 4 6'6/4 2 4/4 83 4 438/47 24351 
43 3 49 4 71004 8 0/410 2/4 5 1] 411 6 4 8 20410 7/4 710 
Sea 50 410 8/411 0/414 2/4 8 0/415 00412 2/414 2/410 8 
i 51 413 6/414 2/418 9/411 0/418 71416 7/417 11|413 6 
148 52. 416 5/417 6/5 36/414 28/5 2 4051351 7/416 5 
ins 53004. 19 71% 1 105.8 7417 55 6.3% alalls 5 4la19 7 
LE. 54 5 21005 410/514 1/5 011/510 4 511 7/5 9 5/5 210 
31 : 55 5 6 4/5 8 9/51911/5 4 8/514 8 517 4/513 8/5 6 4 
) Jd oe 
56 510 11512106 6 4 5 8 7 519.3 6 3 7/518 2(510 1 
[596 57 514 0/517 3 613 2 512106 4 2 610 4/6 210/514 0 
11513 8 58 518 2/16 11117 0 5517 46 811 617 5 6 8 1/518 2 
§17 8 59 6 2 86 6107 7 9/6 2 2 612 6 7 4 6/613 0/6 2 8 
colle 47° alls 12 0. 7.141106 7 277 0 ol7 11 70.618 slg 7 8 
ln ©

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