Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

TABLE V. 59 
of Li, 
4, Fifteen 
Ted Ago Annual Premiums required for the Assurance of £100 for the Whole Term of Life ; the 
Rate increasing, in each case, at the end of Seven Years; and again increasing at the 
end of Fourteen Years ; after which period a fixed Annual Premium is payable during 
the Remainder of Life. 
: = , Annual Premium Church of| City of Edin- Pro- 
oe Ages. | payable during Alfred. Argus. | Asylum. (England. | Glasgow. | burgh. | tector, 
Fon Loan dion dL 5. AL a dif.s 2|f. 0 dL 5 2 
(13 7 st 7 yoars +B 0 91 0 3|L 1 4{f 2 01 9 7/12 4/1 8 0 
L710 20! Second 7 years . |1 13 811 7.01 6 2{113 041 14 10{1 11 441 19 2 
21 ' Remainderof Life'2 6 7|2 0 6{2 4 7(2 4 0/2 14 10|2 4 9|2 i0 3 
L123 First 7years . gil 8 7(1 6 6/1 8 7/1 8 0/117 4/1 9 2({1 14 0 
Lr 0 30) Second 7 years . [2 5 3|115 4/115 12 2 6/2 4 6/2 01012 9 3 
li + Remainderof Lifex3 1 11i12 13 0/3 0 11/12 16 0{3 12 6/218 4/3 4 5 
1418 3 First 7years .J2 0 1/117 0;118 3{119 0/2 8 51191112 3 3 
H) Second 7 years . [3 2 5|2 9 4|2 7 0/218 6/1219 9121511|13 5 1 
«101 Remainderof Life’ 4 4 9{3 14 06{4 9 8/318 05 0 8/3 19 11|4 6 11 
130: First 7yeurs .l3 0 9{217 32111113 0 2/41 219 313 2 2 
dns A Second 7 years . 410 94 5 11/4 0 114 10 3, 4 3 0/412 6 
$1454 t Remainderof Life 6 0 9/6 4 1{7 0 36 0 4 518 6/6 2 9 
1121910 TT 
L316 7 
3 Annual Premiums required for the Assurance of £100 for the whole Term of Life; 
the Rate diminishing, in each case, at the expiration of every Fifth Year, until 
the Twentieth inclusive, after which period no further Payment is required. 
United a 
Sinem, : 
J Ages. Annual Premiam 
tad payable during Argus. Britannia. ~~ Promoter, 
AIRE L. 0 dE. 5. JE. 5s. A, 
B18 Firstbyears . 3 5 8 3 7 6 3 6 6 
21] 0 SecondByesrs. 2 9 3 211 3 2 910 
ri Third 5 years . 11210° 114 9 116 5 
11d Last 5 vears . 016 5 01711 1 410 
ins First 5 years 23 19 08N3 18 6884. 2 
Hr 3 0 Second 5 years... 219 3 3 010 3 
2310 : Third 5years .. 119 6'2 2 6 2 4 « 
ns Last 5 vears. .40R0 19 9381 2 481 10 Jz 
, First 5years . 418 00 415 515 4 0 
1 All 4 Second 5 years. 313 6 316 4 31910 
PRI g Third 5 years .. 2 9 0) 2 14 4 | 2.17 6 
J 0] Last 5vears .J1 4 631 8 63M2 0 9 
316 Io First 5years . 6 8 0 6 4 3/7 5 4 
50 Second 5years.. 416 0 5 1 115 9 0 
| Third 5years . 3 4 0 311 71.4 0 6 
IL Last 5 years] 120381 16 5882 14 6 
i :  —. 
The following Offices also adopt a Decreasing Scale of Premium :— 
National Endowment, North of Scotland, Royal Naval and Military, Scottish 
EC T7nion and United Kingdom. 

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