solutions to the problem preceding, and similar problems analogous to those
obtained on the supposition of Buffon.
We shall nos dwell longer on this subject, ‘as these hypotheses, although
they may serve, in some measure, to show the difference which exists
between the mathematical value of any sum and its value in practice, are
quite arbitrary.
aS) 26. The search after a method of enabling a gamester to win with cer-
pas tainty from his antagonist, who has a greater probability in his favour, has
et than wasted as much ingenuity as the attempt to discover perpetual motion. At
ut, "Ig all gaming tables an advantage is given by the laws of the game to the
ta banker ; and many infatuated persons, in the vain hope of detecting some
scheme for rendering that advantage nugatory, have spent years in register-
De ing the course of the play with a degree of patient industry which, exerted
: in another direction, might have made them useful and distinguished
4: members of society. One favourite scheme is so celebrated as to have
el acquired a particular name; it is called the Martingale, or Double or Quits,
and consists in doubling the last stake after every loss. In order that this
may be permanently successful, the player requires not only an immense
Lh capital, but an unlimited permission of staking. It is not very easy to show
mathematically the amount of the player's expectation who uses the martin-
gale, on account’ of the various order in which the gains and losses may be
a supposed to follow each other; instead of attempting it, we shall give an
a analysis of another scheme, in which the same difficulty does not occur.
This consists in increasing the stake by a fixed sum after every loss, and
diminishing it by the same after every gain. The inventors of this mode of
betting looked upon it as infallible, and indeed there is something in it
which might easily deceive the unwary ; for it can be shown, that if the
+ 0 number of games won and lost be the same, no matter in what order this
: takes place, the result is always a gain to the player who bets upon this
therefore, principle. Notwithstanding this specious circumstance, we shall show that
f+na), the value of the player's expectation of gain, when his probability of winning
a single game exceeds %, is never so great as his expectation of loss when
this probability falls short of Z by the same quantity.
27. Let a be the original stake, 6 the quantity by which it is increased or
id 8 diminished after every loss or gain, m + n the whole number of games
played. The first thing to determine is the player’s gain who wins m and
ame vessel, loses n games.
¢ merchant, His first stake = a, therefore his first gain = + «, and may be represented
Tison generally by @ (— 1)# which becomes + aas ais even orodd. Ifhe wins,
Fo 2. e. if abe even, his second stake is @ — b, and it is @ + b if he loses, i. e. if
VF eaested a be odd: therefore his second stake generally is @ — b (— 1)# and his
wi second gain may be represented in the same general manner by{a—25
Fay ind (—1)#} (= 1)B. For the same reason his third stake will be & — & (= =
elie — b. (= 1)A, and therefore his third gain is { @ — b ((— 1) + (~ 1)B)}
pr (= 1)% and so on.
Re eee? We have, therefore, the following table of gains :
: Ist gain = a (= 1),
2d. =a (~DB=b{(=1)2} (=1)8,
8d .. =a(—1)r—b{(— 1) (=1)8 } (=1)¥,
4th... =qg(— 1) — b{ (= 1)z-f(—1)8 +(-D7} (=D),
The dsr &e. &e. &e. i;
te 2’ There are m + n stakes, and we have determined nothing of the quantities
oly UF a, 3, 7, &c. except that m are even, and 7 odd, because by supposition the
fonds player wins m_ games, and loses n, Therefore m of the quantities (— 1),