Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

TABLE V.—ANNUAL PREMIUM required to secure 11, at the end of the year in which the 
life shall fail, 
Age. | 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. I Age. 
m | Males. Females. = Males. | Females. Males. | Females. | m 
G1 02955 | +02429 -03124 02549 03322 | ‘02699 04 
| ‘02063 | -01826° -02078 | ‘01836 -09125 | -01880 1 
© 1 01714 | -01543 | 01664 | 01498 = 01649 | 01489 ' 2 
5 | 01517 | 01346 | 01428 | ‘01260 | ‘01374 | -01211. 3 
4° 01406 | ‘01238 -01292| -01127 | ‘01214 | 01053 © 4 
»  *013737) -01174  -01247 | 01045 -01157 | 00952 5 
¢ -01347 | 01154  -01210 | ‘01015 ‘01109 | -00913 6 
; 1 01335 © -01160 -01189 | ‘01015 -01080 | 00907 7 
co 01337 -01180 -01185 | “01033 ‘01069 ' ‘00922 8 
9 01359 -01206 -01203'| *01057 01083 -00944 9 
10° -01390  -01238 -01232 | -01088 -01110 -00974 | 10 
11 | -01428  -01274 -01269 | -01123 +01146 -01009 11 
12 | -01472 | +01312  -01312/| ‘01160 ‘01189 -01045 12 
13 1° 01517 = +01348 -01358 | 01196 ‘01235 -01080 13 
1471-01562 -01387  -01402 | ‘01234 01278 | ‘01118 14 
15° -01609 -01424 -01450 | <01271 ‘01326 ' -0ilp4 15 
16 1 -01655 . 01461. -01495 | -01307 01371 -01189 ° 16 
17 | -01697 | -01498 01536 | ‘01342 -01411 01223 17 
1801°. 01737-01533  -01575 ' ‘01875 ‘01448 -01255 18 
19 © 01776 ‘01566 -01612 -01406 -01482 -01284 19 
20 | 01817 -01604 | 101650 || 01443 | ‘01519  -01318 | 20 
217 -01858 01646 ' -01690 | ‘01484 | -01557 -01359 | 21 
2271-01901 “01690 +01731.| -01528 -01595 01401 22 
23 | +01943  -01737' -01770 | -01574 | ‘01631 -01447 23 
2t 01986 -01783 -01810 ' -01618 | ‘01670 -01491 24 
20 -02031 -01828 : -01853/ ‘01662 +01710 -01533 25 
260 +02073  -01861 | -01892 ' -01692  -01745 ‘01560 26 
27.| -02117' -01896  -01932 -01723 -01781 -01588 27 
28° 02162 -01931 -01974 ‘01755 -01819 -01616 28 
29° -02215  -01968 -02023 ‘01788 -01866 -01645 29 
30 | -02273 -02006 -02079 -01822 | ‘01919 -01675 30 
Sl. -02339 -02056 -02144  -01870.| *01982 ‘01720 31 
32 | 02414-02108  -02219 -01920 | -02056 -01768 32 
3311-02488 -02163 -02292 -01972 | -02127 ‘01817 33 
31.| 02567-02220 | 02369 -02027 | ‘02204 ‘01870 54 
3b 1. -02650 02280 | -02452 -02085 | 02286 01926 35 
36 | -02733  -02339 | -02534 -02141'| +02367 01979 36 
37 | +02821  -02401  -02622 02202 ' -02454 02036 37 
38 | 02908 -02466 -02708 -02263 | 02538 02095 38 
39 03000 -02534 -02799 -02329 02628 02158 39 
40 | -03092  -02601° -02889  -02392 -02717 -02217 40 
41° -03189 02670 -02986 -02458 ' 02812 -02280 41 
42 | 03284  -02744  -03079 -02528 02004 -02347 49 
43° -03385  -02822 -03179 02603 | -03002 -02418 43 
44° -03484  -02909 -03277 -02688  -03097  -02499 44 
45 -03588  -02996 -08379 ‘02771  -03197  -02579 ' 45 
46 | [03699-03086  -03487 -02858  -03304, -02663 45 
47 1 03814  -03182 -03601 ‘02951 -03415 ‘02752 47 
48 '03936  -03284 03722 03050 ‘03534 02847 : 48 
49  -04056 -03386 -03839 -03148 +02649 090471 | 40

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