Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Carlisle 3% per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Seventeen Years. 
Ages. D. N. | Ages. D. N. 
0 &17] 34652503. 442447500.2 ) 45 & 62! 1901619.7 15825301.1 
1..18| 28132134.6 414315365.6 | 46.. 63 1742393.5 14082907.6 
2..19| 24815903.4 389499462.2 ° 47., 64 1595090.6 12487817.0 
3..20' 22262994.9 367236467.3 48.. 65 1458246.7 11029570.3 
4,.21' 20547858.1 346688609.2 49,., 66 1332218.6 9697351.7 
5..22 19148845.1 -327539764.1 50.. 67 1215596.8 8481754.9 
6..23! 18044842.1 309494922.0 51.. 68 1107296.0 7374458.9 
7..24] 17099192.7 292395729.3 52.. 69 1005576.2 6368882.7 
8..25 16259484.0 276136245.3 53.. 70 909814.7 5459068.0 
9..26 15492146.2 3260644099.1 54,, 71 820187.4 4638880.6 
10..27| 14782456.2 1245861642.9 | 55.. 72 733215.0 3905665 .6 
11..28 14108000.6 231753642.3  56.. 73, 648324.6 3257341.0 
12..29 13447212.5 218306429.8 ! 57,. 74 566496.1 2690844.9 
13..30 12800462.0 205505967.8 58.. 75 487580.0 2203264.9 - 
14..31 12179205.4 193326762.4 59.. 76 415777.9 1787487.0 
15..32, 11582902.3 181743860.1 | 60.. 77| 350164.1 1437322.9 
16..33| 11009262.9 170734597.2 61.. 78; 291863.3 1145459 .6 
17..34, 10459417.4 160275179.8 62.. 79) 242313.6 903145.95 
18..35, 9933947.2 150341232.6 | 63.. 80] 198676.70 704469 ,25 
19..36) 9433426.3 140907806.3 | 64.. 81 162144.25 542325.00 
20..37| 8955016.0 131952790.3' 65.. 82 130301,26 412023.74 
21..38, 8497841.2 123454949.1 66.. 83 103737.92 308285.82 
22..39, 8062400.7 115392548.4 67.. 84 81489.71 226796.11 
23..40| 7643404.8 107749143.6 68.. 85 63291.91 163504.,20 
24..41| 7287553.0 100511590.6 69.. 86 48090.29 115413.91 
25,.42) 6847557.9 93664032.7 | 70.. 87 35634.73 79779.18 
26..43| 6473214.8 87190817.9 | 71.. 88 25591.75 54187.43 
27..44| 6117702.9 81073115.0 ' 72.. 89 18155.56 36031.87 
28..45] 5778120.7 75294994.3 73.. 90, 12824.33 23207 .54 
29..46 5452210,2 69842784.1 ' 74.. 91 8446.40 14761.142 
30..47| 5138780.3 64704003.8 | 75.. 92 5303.515 9457.627 
31..48| 4843071.8 59860932.0 76.. 93, 3336.981 6120.646 
32..49| 4566999.4 55293932.6 77.. 94 2142.331 3978.315 
33..50! 4308092.8 50983839.8 78.. 95 1385.635 2592.680 
34..51! 4065280,7 46920559.1 79.. 96 914.702 1677.9784 
35..52| 3832360.1 43088199.0 ' 80.. 97] 609.7497 | 1068.2287 
36..53] 3609074.2 39479124.8 8l.. 98, 402.4381 665.7906 
37..54] 3394517.6 36084607.2 82.. 99 264.6281 401.16253 
38..55| 3189312.8 32895294.4 83..100, 179.76103 221.40150 
39..56] 2992439.8 29902854.6 84..101 114,70394 106.69756 
40..57| 2802625.7 27100228.9 85..102] 66.59082 40.10674 
41..58| 2616785.3 24483443.6 86..103] 31.83693 8.26981 
42..59| 2433110.1 22050333.5 
43..60, 2251531.2 19798802.3 
44..61 2071881.5 17726920.8

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