Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

i Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
(Carlisle 3% per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Eighteen Years. 
Ages. | D. N. Ages. D. N. 
| 0 &18( 33249184, 422290550.1 46 & 64' 1619079.6  12725270.a 
1.1 1..1s| 26991561.6 395298988.5 47.. 65' 1479857.5 11248412.9 
i 2..20} 23808611.1 371490377.4 48.. 66, 1351045.4 9897367.5 
uh 3..21| 21358262.3 350132115.1 49.. 67, 1232460.9 8664906 , 6 
3 4..22| 19715112.3 330417002.8 : 50,. 68 1122356.0 7542550.6 
) 5..23| 18371898.2 312045104.6 | 51.. 69, 1020156.5 6522394. 1 
3.9 6..24| 17311830.4 294733274.2 © 52.. 70, 923858.2 5598535,9 
8.9 7..25; 16403769.4 278329504.8 53., 71| 833649.4 4764886 ,5 
4 8..26 15594743.3 262734761.5 54.. 72] 745816.2 4019070.3 
x. 9..27 14837970.3 247876791.2 55.. 73] 660156.5 3358913.8 
| 10..28 14171619.3 233705171.9 V 56,, 74° 577468.0  . 2781445.8 
itd 11..29, 13512347.4 220192824.5 57.. 75 497986.5 2283459,3 
HL 12..30, 12864785.9 207328038.6 58.. 76  426092.0 1857367.3 
44 13..31 12242648.8 195085389.8 59., 77. 360352.8 1497014. 5 
“9 14..32| 11647251.8 183438138.0 60.. 78 301976.2 1195038.3 
15..33] 11077840.0 '172360298.0 61.. 79] 251306.7 943731. 62 
2.9 16..34' 10530055.0 161830243.0 [ 62.. 80| 206397.62 737334.00 
39.6 17..35 10003111.7 151827131.3 63.. 81! 168592.87 568741.13 
5% 18..36: 9499566.3 142327565.0 | 64. . 82 133698. 08 433043.05 
89.25 19..37] 9018245.2 (33309319.8 | 65.. 83] 108182.82 324860.23 
20..38| 8558269.0 124751050.8 | 66.. 84  85106.89 239753.34 
13.4 21..39| 8118790.5 116632260.3 . 67.. 85  66231.84 173521.50 
5.8 22..40| 7697240.7 108935019.6 | 68.. 86] 50432.91 123088.59 
1%.11 23..41 7288891.8 101646127.8 | 69.. 87| 37475.09 85613.50 
04,20 24..42 6896477.3 94749650.5 | 70.. 88!  26985.43 58628.07 
wy 25..43] 6520909.8 88228740.7 71.. 89| 19290.81 39337.26 
Tm.I8 26..44" 6163113.0 82065627.7 72.. 90  13761.91 25575.35 
157.43 212 5823356.5 76242271.2 73.. 91 9162.11 lang adl 
nl EL é] - “ 
191.87 28..46] 5500053.4 70742217.8 74.. 92 5829,117 dating 
0.54 29..47] 5189785.6 65552432.2 75.. 93 3689,402 : 
he 30..48| 4892499.7 60659932.5 | 76.. 94 2388.249 4506.473 
31.6 31..49| 4614090.4 56045842.1 77.. 95|  1552.414 2954.059 
0556 32..50] 4352181,5 51693660.6 78.. 96 1026.396 1927.663 
Tr 33.51) 4106556.3 47587104.3 79.. 97| 691.647 1236.0164 
9.580 34..52] 3871670.1 43715434.2 ' 80.. 98 458,2120 777.8044 
hi 35..53 3646477.4 40068956.8 ' 81.. 99 305.5085 472.29593 
_ 36..54| 3430718.9 36632237.9 ' 82..100 209.19222 263.10371 
IR 87..55| 3224313.0 33413924.9 83..101 135.08611 128.01760 
Bs 38..56| 3026233.0 30387691.9 84..102) 79.16078 48.85682 
Palos 39..57| 2836312.4 27551379.5 ° 85..103 38.60338 10.25344 
1.6973 40.,58| 2651264.8 24900114.7 
174 41..59| 2467094.9 92433019.8 
5 42..60| 2284363.1 20148656.7 
A308 43..61| 2102540.9 18046115.8 
44..62 1930182.2 16115933.6 
45..63" 1768583.6  14347350.0 

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