Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

ie Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives, 
{Carlisle 3% per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Twenty-Two Years—continued. 
= a 
Ages, D. N. Ages. D. N. 
10 &32 11877071.3 189829822.4 46 & 68 1188722.3 8147873.3 
11..33| 11308188.7 178521633.7 47.. 69; 1078948.3 7068925 .0 
12..34! 10763832.1 167757801.6 48.. 70, 976792.2 6092132.8 
13..35] 10242774.7 157515026.9 49.. 7 882547.8 5209585,0 
14..36| 9744131.1 147770895.8 50.. 72 791540.9 4413044.1 
15..371 9263809.7 138507086.1 51.. 73' 703107.9 | 3714936.2 
16..38; 8798575.1 129708511.0 ° 52.. 74 617313.3 | 3097622.9 
17..39] 8349720.1 121358790.9 53.. 75 534409.1 2563213.8 
i 18..40F 7916425.4 113442361.5 54.. 76 459474.0 2103739.8 
f 19..411 7496691.8 105945669.7 55,. 77 391495.5 1712244.3 
i] 20..42| 7093319.8 98852349.9 56... 78 331568.7 1380675.6 
) 21..43| 6707253.3 92145096.6 57.. 79 280070.3 1100605.3 
22. .44, 6341585.6 85803511.0 58., 80 233572.80 867032.49 
’ 23..45; 5994247.4 79809263.6 59,. 81 193407.18 673625.31 
t 24. 46] 5665590.9 74143672.7 60.. 82 157285.43 516339.88 
25..47| 5354641.9 68789030.8 61., 83 126213.29 390126.59 
26..48| 5060728.0 63728302.8 62... 84 99840.33 290286 .26 
q 27..49, 4785931.1 58942371.7 , 63.. oa 78111.02 212175.24 
9 28. .50| 4525386.9 544169%4.8 64... 86 59860.52 152314.72 
% 29..51| 4276161.9 50140822.9 | 65.. 87 44792,00 107522.72 
$ 30..52| 4032483.3 46108339.6 | 66.. 88, 32526.39 * 74996.33 
i 31..53| 3798130.6 42310209.0' 67.. 89 23475.99 51520.34 
: 32..54| 3573584.6 38736624.4 68.. 90| 17004.92 34515.42 
v 33..55| 3360015.,4 33376609.0 | 69.. 91! 11584.54 22930.882 
* 34..56! 3156161.7 32220447.3' 70.. 92 7602.233 15328.649 
i 35..57| 2961119.1 29259328.2! 71.. 93| 5015.384 10313.265 
i 36..58| 2772465.5 26486862.7 72., 94, 3378.230 6935.035 
9 37..59| 2586287.7 23900575.0 73.. 95 2281.214 4653.821 
0 38..60] 2401818.3 21498756.7 74.. 9% 1557.785 3096 .036 
LO 39..61! 2217837.3 19280919.4 75.. 97 1071.700 2024.336 
A 03 40..62| 2041616.3 17239303.1 76.. 98, 728.427 1295.909 
SN 41..63| 1874092.5 15365210.6 77.. 99 496.040 799,8688 
id 42,.64! 1717469.0 13647741.6 78..100 330.0002 469.8686 
So 43..65 1570493.9 12077247.7 79..101 234.3950 235.47357 
Lf 44.66) 1433823.3 10643424.4 80..102 142.60912 92,86445 
114 45..67! 1306528.8 9336595.6 81.,103 72.60902 20.25543 
7.853 — - 
ee Difference of Age Twenty-Three Years. 
so - 
fo Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
HL rc cere Fewer cesses esr meres SN CL I ro NT 
0 &23| 27029422. 1332688367.8 10 &33 11359181.9 179971600.0 
1..24| 21940592.7 310747775.1  11..34 10815969.4 169155630.6 
2..25] 19351671.5 291396103.6 12..35 10294245.9 158561384.7 
3..26| 17355594.1 274040509.5 13..36 9794889.7 149066495.0 
4..27] 16013564.,7 258026944.8 14,,37 9315275.3 139751219.7 
5..28| 14910912.8 243116032.0 15..38 8853381.8 130897837.9 
3 6..29| 14027123.5 229088908.5 16..39 8406109.9 122491728.0 
alot 7..30! 13254749.7 215834158.8 17,.40 7971547 .,0 114520181.0 
Ge B..31' 12565633.3 203268525.5 18,.41  7549252.9  106970928.1 
9..32 11937743.6 191330781.9 19..42 7143404.2 99827523.9

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