Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 3% per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Twenty-Three Years— continued. 
Ages. |  D. N. Ages. D. N. 
20 &43] 6754948.3 93072575.6 . 51 & 74] 626264.0 3166655.4 
21..44" 6385939.7 | 86686635.9 52.. 75 542658.0 2623997 .4 
22..45; 6036467.5 | 80650168.4 53.. 76 467015.4 2156982.0 
23..46° 5705779.1 74944389.3 54.. 77 398223.9 1758758.1 
24..47 5392895.8  69551493.5 55.. 78 337619.8 1421138.3 
25..48, 5098015.9 | 64453477.6 = 56.. 79 285494.7 , 1135643.64 
26..49 4821455.9 59632021.7 | 57.. 80 ¢38557.95 | 897085.69 
27..50 4560815.3 | 55071206.4 58.. 81 198204.96 698880.73 
28..51 4313685.3 50757521.1 59.. 82 161861.95 537018.78 
29..52 4072508.0 ' 466850i3.1 60.. 83 130586448 406432 .30 
30..53 3836894.0 |! 42848119.1 | 61.. 84 103545.75 3(2886.55 
31..54. 3610432.4 ' 3Y237686.7 62.. &5 81146.56 221739.99 
32..55| 3394401.6 35843285.1 63.. 86 62241.21 159498.78 
33..56° 3188207.0 32655078.1 64.. 87 46647.19 112851.59 
34..57' 2991492.3 29663585.8 65.. 88  33920.04 78931.55 
35..58 2801198.4 26862387.4 66.. 89 24518.05 54413.50 
36..59, 2613869.5 24248517.9 «+ 67.. 90 17794.81 36618.69 
37..60 2428176.3 21820341.6 , 68.. 91 12148.86 24469 .825 
38..61! 2242883.0 19577458.6 | 69.. 92 7994.852 16474 .973 
39. .62| 2066156.0 17511302.6 | 70.. 93 5283.510 11186.463 
40..63| 1898786.1  15612516.5 71.. 94  3589.469 7596.994 
41..64" 1741458.1 13871058.4 |! 72.. 95 2447.993 5149.001 
42..65 1593395.0 12277663.4 73.. 96 1689.788 3459.213 
43..66, 1455040.8 10822622.6 | 74.. 97 1177.911 2281.302 
44..67" 1326457 .5 9496165.1 75.. 98, 805.337 1475.945 
45..68, 1206590.1 8289575.0 | 76.. 99 552.981 922.9638 
46..69| 1095174.9 | 7194400.1 77..100 392.1272 530.8366 
47..70 991267.9 6203132.2 78..101, 263.0168 267.8198 
48..71 895019.9 6308112.83 79..102 161.7633 106.05649 
49..72 802522.1 4505590.2 80..103 82.67194 23.38455 
50..73 712670.8 3792919.4 
Difference of Age Twenty-Four Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 &24' 25931442. ,316802377.7 15 &39 84584720 123606710.9 
1..25 21048270.0 |-95754107.7 16..40 8025382.8 ~~ 115581328.1 
2..26 18560512.3 277193595.4 17..41 7601814. 1 107979514.0 
3..271 16645137.2 '260548458.2 18..42 7193488.3 100786025 7 
4..28 15351856.4 .245196601.8 19..43 6802643 .4 93983352. 3 
5..29 14281359.8 230915242.0 ; 20..44 6431349.8 87552032.3 
6..30 13419579.8 217495662.2 21..45 6078687.6 81473344.9 
7..31 12677139.8 204818522.4 22..46 5745967 .5 75727377 .4 
8..32 12016801.5 192801720.9 23..47 5431149.7 70296227.7 
9..33 11417208.7 1181384512,2 24..48 5134436.4 65161791.3 
10..34 10864743.0 170519769.2 25..49 4856980.7 60304810.6 
11..35 10344108.7 160175660.5 26..50 4594669.1 55710141.5 
12..36 9844110.3 150331550.2 27..51 4347456.3 51362685.2 
13..37!1 9363800.0 140967750.2 28..52 4108244.3 47254440.9 
14..38, 8902567.3 32065182.9 29..53 3874977.2 43379463.7 

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