Years, | Total Length of Tracks | Operated by Horses | Opekaien iby Rlectrichy
1860 88.9 88.9 -
1870 139.4 139.4
1880 222.5 222.5
1885 348.1 348.1
1890 612.4 451.5 160.9
1891 672.4 383.4 289.0
18092 754.8 258.5 496.3
1893 874.1 163.0 ”IL.I
1894 928.8 103.9 824.9
1895 1,088.4 85.6 1,002.8
1896 1,291.0 49.7 1,241.3
1897 1,453.3 25.1 1,428.2
1808 1,590.9 20.6 1,570.3
In the following tables an attempt has been made to group
together certain railways which clearly belong to the same
type, and to show the mileage and traffic and cost statistics
as developed in each group. These groups are made up as
follows :
I. "Thestreet railways of the whole state.
II. The Boston Elevated Railway Company, an urban and suburban
road serving the densely settled district of Boston and the cities
and towns immediately surrounding.
III. A group of roads distinctly urban in their character, and to only a
limited extent serving detached suburban districts.
IV. A group of roads wholly interurban in character, connecting or pass-
ing through towns where the local traffic amounts to very little.
A group of roads of the mixed type, urban within large towns with
considerable local travel, suburban connecting detached suburbs
with the central district, and interurban connecting towns of more
or less population with one another and with the larger central