Full text: Nouvelles Tables trigonométriques calculées pour la division décimale du quart de cercle

Arc, | Sinus. | D.| Cofinus. |D.| Tang. | D. | Cotang. | D. | Arc, 
0y0450|0,0706270i  l0,9975028i | [0,0708038|" ['14, 1295363] |0, 9550 
07837|1567 0; 9974917|T11 0961713579 O921155/314208| 
09404|1567 BO6iIII 11195 1578} 0608336 312810l 48 
FO97O|I566 694/112 12774| 157914, 0296896 311440 4 
12537/1567 $82|112 14353|1579 13, 9986825 31C071 dé 
I41O4'1567} 470|112 1593921579]. 9678115) 308710 45 
17511 |1$79} 9370756 1307359 a 
19090|1579{ 9064741 7osoIs 4° 
20668 1578 87600$9 | 304682 43 
EG) 3456703 303356} qu 
23326/15791 81546631 30204010, 9$40 
21405 15791 7853952 {300731}; 95 
2698/1580] 7554500/299432| : 38 
28564 1479 7256359|298141 37 
30143) 1579 6959501!296858| 1 3 
31722|1$79 6663918 (295583 
22F/I15 33301|1579| 6360601 294317 % 
2, 9973L06|115 34881 | 1580 6076542/293059 32 
pt 36460|1579 $784733 291809 32 
876|115 38059|1579| 5494167 290556 31 
76O|116 39619|1580 5204835 | 28933210; 9430 
644 116 4119811579 4919729) 288108 29 
S28jT16 SUR 46298411286888 28 
4IIjI17 44357 | 1580 4344165 285676 27 
295/116 45936 1579 40596091 284474 26 
178{11710,0747516)1580 13, 3776413: 283278 
47003 |1567|0y 9972060|1 18! 49096 | 1580! 3494324|282089 24 
ce y 9971943{117 50675 se 3213415 280909 23 
$O135|1566j 8251118 52255 |1580| 2993678 279737 22 
S1702|1$67) 707|118 53835 | 1580 2655108 278570 21 
53268|1566; S89ITS 5541411579 2377697 2774110; 9520 
5483411566 471118 56994|1580, 2101436 276261 19 
56401 507 352,119 58574 1580 1826320:275116 18 
$7967(1566 233 119 dois 1580 1552341 273979 Ed 
$9533|1566,0y 9971114 119 sine 1279491 272850 
61099|1566[0,9970994 120i _63314|1580 1007765 271726} > 
64894!15801 * 0757155. 270610 14 
66474 | 1580 0467654,269$0I 19 
6803411580 13,01992$5 268399 13 
69634 1580 12, 9931952 267303 Il 
_ 71214 {1580} 9665738 2662140; 9510 
70497|1567| 273120 72794| 1580 9400606 | 265132 Os 
72063 1566: ISI|132 74374 | 1580 9136549/264057 of 
73629/1566,0; 9970030121) 75954 |1580| | 88735621262987| 5 
7519$ 1566 9969908|122 77535! 1581 8611638 261924 
7676111566 786122 70TIS|1$8O 8350769 260869 Os 
96 78327|1566 664|122 80695 1580 8090950 |259819 04 
97 HER 542|122 82276 1581 78321751258775| … 05 
98| 81459/1566 qiol123| 83856|1580| 7574437.257738| .. 02 
04 9499 ggcasjricé 296|123 85437 1581 73177301256707 
0, O500|0; 0784591|1566|0; 9969173|123/0; 6787017 | 1580] 12, 7062047 1255683 16; 9500 
Arc. | Cofinus. |D. | Sinus. |D.}| Cotang. | D. | . Tang. |», D. | Arc 
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