Full text: Nouvelles Tables trigonométriques calculées pour la division décimale du quart de cercle

Arc. | Sinus. ] D. | Cofinus. |D.} Tang. | D. | Cotang. | D. | Arc, 
0; 2250|0, 3461171] joygs8ror3| _ |0,5689195| |2, 7106186] |©, 7750 
62644 | 1473] 1370|543 re S 49 
64118|1474; 0826|544 9275641785 79984 13096 43 
65591}1473 O0, 9380281 |545 93549 1785 66900 13084 4 
6700 {1474 0, 9879737 |544 96335 |1786 53827 13073] 4 
6853811473 | ___ 91921545 98120|1785 4076513062 4 
70011 | 1473 0; 3699906 | 1786 27714 I30$I 4 
71484 {1473 0, 3701692 | 1786 14674 13040| @ 
72957 | 1473 03478 |1786 2,7001645 13029] 
74430|1473 05264 |1786 2, 6988627 13018 qu 
75903 | 1473 070511178714, 75620 I3007!0,740 
71376 | 1473 0885817871 | 62625 12995] 
78849 |1473 10625 | 1787 49640 12985 
80322 {1473 12412|1787 36666 12974 
81794/1472 SEE 23703 12903 
83267 | 1473 15987|1788|2,6910752 12951} 
84739|1472 17775 |1788/2,6897811 12941 34 
86211 {1472 19563 #7 84881 12930 95 
87683 | 1472 213$1|1788 71962 12919} 32) 
89156 1473 23139|1788 59054 12908 31 
90628 | 14721 24928 | 1789 46157 12897 |0,7790 
92100|1472 26717/1789} 33270 12887| my 
93571 |1471 28506 |1789 20395 12875| 428 
95043 | 1472 30295 |1789 2,6807530{12865 27 
96515 | 1472 + 32085 |1790 2,6794676 ps 2 
97986 11471 0,3733874/1789 + 81833|12843 
76 |Op 3499458 | 1472 Gacot | 12552 24 
77|0, 3500929 | 1471 | $6180|12821 25 
78 O2JgOI | 472 4336912811 22 
; 03872 1471] 30569 12800} ai 
2, 2280 0534311471 17780 1278910, 7720 
06814{1471! 4948, 551 44617 |1791 2,670$002/12778 
08285 | 1471 43971551 46408 |1791 2,6692334 12768 
09756 1471| 3846 | 551 48199 | 1791 79477 12757 
11227 | 1471 3295 |551 49991|1792 66731 12746 
_12698 1471 27431552 51783 /1792 53995 12736 13 
14168 | 1470) 2T91 (552 $3575|1792 41270!12725 14 
15639|1471 1639|552 5536711792 28556 12714 I$ 
17109 {1470 10871553 57159/1792 158$2 I2704 Is 
18580|1471 0, 9360534553 58932/1795 2,6603159 12693 I 
200$0| 147010, 9359981 | 553 60745 179312, 6590477 12682 |0,7710 
21$20|1470 62538 | 1793 7780$ 12672 09 
229091 | 1471 64331 1793 65143 12662 Oë 
24461 |1470 66125 |1794 52493 12650 07 
25931} 1470 67918 1793 39852 12641 où 
27400|1469 6971211794 27223 12629 
96 28870| 1470 66591555 7150611794" 14604 12619] 04 
97 30340 |1470 610$ (554 73301 |179$ 2,650199$ 12609 03 
98 31809 |T469 Sssoisss 75095 [1794 2,6489397 12598 02 
2,22998 < 33279/1470 49951555 76890 1795| 76809 12588 2! 
Qy 230010 3534748 1469 |0; 935444015$5 |O, 3778685 1179$ | 2, 6464232; 12577 |0y 7709 
Arc. | Cofinus. | D. | Sinus. | D.] Cotang. | D. |, Tang. | D. | Arc. 
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