Full text: Nouvelles Tables trigonométriques calculées pour la division décimale du quart de cercle

> 42 
2 æ—_- 
Arc. | Sinus. | D. | Cofinus. | D. | Tang. | D. | Cotang. | DB ke 
07 3300| 0, 49545 87 | |0, 8686315 | |o, 5703899 | |1,7531866| (0,67 
orp — 59s1|1364 5537| 778} ©5981/2082|  25469|6397|0,669 
oz : 7315 {1964 475$| 779 08064 |2083 190761639310 
030; 4958679 | 1364 3979} 779 10147|2083 12685 |6391, 97 
04 0y 4960040 1364 3200] 779 12230|2083 1,7506299|6336 7 
os _ 1407 |1364| 24211 779 14313|2083 I, 7499916|6383 9 
2771|1364 779 
4135 |1364 780 
ae 780 
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8225 |1363, 780 
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12 049709511398 
13 2314/1368 
14 36771363] 
I5 $040|1363 
16 6402 |1362 
17 7765 1365) 
18 j0,4979127 {1362 
19|0, 4980439} 1362 
2433204 1851|1362 
21 3213/1362! 
22 4575/1362 
23 5936|1361 
24 7298/1362 
25 10, 4988659} 1361 
0,5069924! 783 47701 12090 
DIGI| 783 49791 {2090 
8358] 783 se 
7575| 783 $ 3972120091 
6792} 783|0, 575606312091 
6008 |. 784, 
$5224| 784 
4440! 784 
3655| 785 
2371} 784 
2086] 785 
I301| 785 
2, 8660516} 785 
98659730] 786 
__8945 785 
8159 786 
13731 786 
6587| 786 
5800} 787 
SCI31 787 
1, 7398262|6327 
85617 |6321 
79300 3 
66677 16310 74 
60370 |6307 73 
54067 |6303 72 
47767 |6300 97 
41471 {629610, 6670 
58154] 2091 | 
66523 |2092 
68617 |2094 
70711 |2094, 
7280$ |2094 
76994} 2095 - 
ee 17503763 |oa7e 64 
81185|2096 1,7297493 6272 63 
8328112096 91224{6269 62 
85377 2096] st 61 
- 874741 2097 78696 |6262 | 0, 6660 
4T|0p 5010426 | 1360 42261787] 89571|2097|  72437|6259 
42 1785 1359 3439 787 91668] 207 66182|6255 
43} 3144 1359 2652 787 9376612098 $9930|6253 
44 4503 1359 1864, 788 95865 2099 53681|6249 
ii 5862|1350 1077) 787|0,5797963,2008] | 47456|6a4f 
46 72211359 |0,86502891 788 |0, 580006212099 41194. |6242 
47 8580|1359|0, 8649500, 789 0216212100 34956{6238 55 
43 |0y 5019939|1359 8712 788 04261 2099 28721|6235 52 
49 |0, 5021297| 1358 7923 789 06362 2101 22489|6232 sI 
V 335010, S022655 | 1358 |0, 8647134 789 |0, $808462} 2100} 1, 7216261 | 6228 |, 6650 
Arc. _| Cofinus, | D. } Sinus. } D. | Cotang. | D. |_ Tang. | D. } Arc, 
26 |0, 4990021 | 1362 
; | 
28 2743 | 1361 
29 4104 {1361 
0, 3330 5465 1361} 
31 rss ee 
32 8186/1360 
33 42007 1S6E 
34 0; 5000907 | 1360, 
35. 2267|1360 
36| ” 3627/1560 
37 4987 | 1360 
38 63471260 
39 7709711360 
Op 3340|0; 4009066, 1359 
RME as CRE Es 
we A, 
Tu w 
lo, 3200 | 
t9, 7410 
10, 7220 
10, 792€ 

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