Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

cn Zu Comparative Surface Investigations with the Light Microscope, 
ch die the Electron Microscope and the Scanning Electron Microscope 
en der 
;h um Among the apparatuses used in this work for the investigation of comparatively rough 
surfaces the scanning electron microscope has the largest range of application, since it offers 
considerable variation in magnification at excellent depth of field. Very significant is the 
plasticity of the scanning electron micrographs and the good perceptibility of „„cracks“ and 
ı lokal „steps“ that are more or less perpendicular to the surface. The clearness of a relatively large 
lie sich surface area and the possibility of a systematic „searching‘“ are also significant in the 
Anrisse scanning electron microscope. On the other hand the exact correspondence of a replica, that 
tischen has been observed in the transmission electron microscope, with certain areas of the original 
surface (target preparation) meets considerable difficulties. The replica method can, 
s Stahl however, offer advantages in the imaging of finest surface structures due to the higher 
‚treten resolution of the transmission electron microscope. The content of information of a replica 
hervor, in the transmission electron microscope depends, however, very much upon its quality and 
r wird. thus on the know-how of the technician. 
tischen The light microscope ranges still on first place for purely structural investigations up to 
en der about 1000 times, since it permits the full use of the many possibilities of phase differen- 
eilchen tiation. 
d). Im ' P. R. Thornton, Scanning Electron Microscopy, 5 M. Semlitsch, Technische Rundschau Sulzer 
wiesen 1. Auflage, Chapman and Hall Ltd., London, (1970) Forschungsheft 1/7 
(1968) 6 R. Mitsche, H. J. Dichtl, Radex-Rundschau 
. G. Pfefferkorn, R. Blaschke, in: Elektronen- (1964) 192/199 
mikroskopische Direktabbildung von Oberflä- 7 G. Henry, J. Plateau, La Microfractographie, 
chen, Verlag A. Remy, Münster, 1 (1968) 1/26 herausgegeben vom Institut de Recherches de la 
verhält- S. Kimoto, H. Hashimoto, in: Proc. of Sympo- Siderurgie Francaise, Paris (1967) 
‚rößten sium The Scanning Electron Microscope, the 8 P. Brezina, Dissertation Mont. Hochschule Leo- 
Pl lich Instrument and Its Applications, 30. 4. — 1.5. ben (1970) 
108LICH- 1968, ITT Research Institute, Chicago 9 F. Hengerer, Dissertation Mont. Hochschule 
ndruck T. Geiger, M. Semlitsch, Technische Rundschau Leoben (1969) 
eit von Sulzer 50 (1968) Forschungsheft 31/42 
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