Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

tet sich Eine für den gewählten Versuchsumfang ausreichende Kennzeichnung kann durch 
die der Zahlenmatrizen erfolgen, aus denen Lage und Höhe der Extremwerte der Schnittlängenver- 
ahl nur teilungskurven ersichtlich sind. Unter welchen Voraussetzungen eine Übertragung der bisher 
ten alle nur an Gefügemodellen erprobten Arbeitsweise auf reale Gefüge möglich ist, muß durch 
Berdem weitere Untersuchungen geklärt werden. 
len und 
;he der 
n, z. B. 
ı ist, zu 
nd von Contribution to the Evaluation of Numerical Values 
eit des for Structure Characterization by Means of 
Stereometrical Analysis 
an und 
gskurve The basis of the well-known suggestion according to which the inhomogeneity of 
‚er eine arrangement of structure elements should be characterized by frequency histograms of the 
großer intercept length of these elements has been tested by means of linear analysis of model 
hr stark images of two-phase structures. The structure models evaluated were built up in a way that 
gs- und they differed only with respect to inhomogeneities of arrangement but not of concentration, 
chender i. e. the area fraction and the mean size of the phases present were kept constant. 
The linear analysis of the model images was carried out in a completely identical way in 
three. different directions. For each direction the intercept length distribution was 
determined. Thus different arrangements of the structural elements could be characterized 
by three intercept length distributions. The comparison of these three distribution curves 
allows the conclusion that these curves show the different arrangement of structure elements 
ing der with an apparently sufficient sensitivity. Therefore, the complex problem of numerical 
henden characterization of arrangement homogeneity can be reduced to the simple problem of 
ung zu quantitative evaluation of intercept distribution. The amount of data necessary for this 
ode der characterization is connected with the problem in question. 
ren. so A characterization sufficient for a special investigation can be carried out by number 
ch. die matrices from which the position and the value of the extreme values of the intercept 
ät, also distribution curve can be seen. Further studies have to show under which conditions this 
Phasen. method which at present only has been tested with model structures can be applied to real 
ls diei structures. 
ung der 

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