Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Hot Stage Microscopes for Microhardness Measurements at 
Elevated Temperatures 
The microhardness test in the hot stage microscope is a simple method to quickly check the 
temperature dependence of mechanical and physical properties. It is of special advantage 
that a total hardness/temperature curve can be obtained from a single small specimen. Thus 
one can get a selection on the basis of such hardness/temperature curves during the 
development of heat-resistant alloys, before considerably more expensive high temperature 
stability tests are started. The temperature dependence of ductility and hot workability of a 
material and the effect of heat treatments can be prechecked. Diffusion and recrystallization 
phenomena can be followed isothermally and polymorphic transformations can be detected. 
LG. Reinacher, Handbuch der Mikroskopie in der 18 M. G. Lozinsky, Neue Hütte 10 (1965) 88 
Technik, Herausgeber H. Freund, Umschau-Ver- 19 M.G. Lozinsky, J. Roy. Micr. Soc. 86 (1967) 
lag, Frankfurt/M. (1960) Bd. 1/2, S. 385. Part IM, 211 
2 R. Mitsche, F. Gabler, F. Jeglitsch, Handbuch 20 M. G. Lozinsky, Preprints of ISME 1967, Semi- 
der Mikroskopie in der Technik, Herausgeber International Symposium 4th — 8th September, 
H. Freund, Umschau-Verlag Frankfurt/M. Tokyo (1967) 155 
(1969) Bd. 11/2, S. 269. 21 M. G. Lozinsky, V. Ya. Ferenetz, Acta Met. 12 
3 H.J. Dichtl, F.Jeglitsch, Radex-Rundschau (1964) 1255 
(1967) 716 22 M. G. Lozinsky, A. N. Romanov, Proc. 2nd 
4 F. Brandstaetter, Metall 17 (1963) 1209 Conf. Dimensioning and Strength Calculations, 
5 F. Brandstaetter, R. Mitsche, F. Gabler, Radex- Budapest (1965) 367 
Rundschau (1967) 710 23 G. Reinacher, Schweizer Archiv 36 (1970) 246 
6 G. Reinacher, Z. Metallkde. 51 (1960) 18 24 IMASCH — 9 — 66 (russ.) Moskau 1969 
7 G. Reinacher, Beitrag in (2) 313 25 AB Bofors/Schweden, private Mitteilung 
8 H. Schenk, E. Schmidtmann, H. Brandis, 26 J. Pomey, J. P. Georges, A. Royez, Beitrag in 
K. Winkler, Arch. Eisenhüttenwes. 29 (1958) (15) 47 
653 27 P. Rabbe, G. Pomey, Beitrag in (15) 57 
9 H. Schenk, E. Schmidtmann, K. Mauer, 28 J.L. Kamphouse, J.C. Blake, J. Moteff, Rev. 
H. Brandis, Arch. Eisenhüttenwes. 31 (1960) 33 Sci. Instr. 40 (1969) 321 
10 E. Schmidtmann, persönliche Mitteilung 29 R.D. Koester, D.P. Moak, J. Am. Ceram. 
11 K. L. Maurer, Radex-Rundschau (1960) 395 Soc, 50 (1967) 290 
12 K. L. Maurer, Härterei-Techn. Mitt. 16 (1961) 30 NRC-Europe S. A. R. L., München, private Mit- 
146 teilung 
13 K. L. Maurer, Berg- u. Hüttenmänn. Mh. 109 31 V. E. Lysaght, Beitrag in (15) 65 
(1964) 98 32 J. H. Westbrook, Rev. Hautes Temper. et Re- 
14 R. Mitsche, Z. Metallkde, 47 (1956) 171 fract. 3 (1966) 47 
15 L. Meyding, VDI Berichte Nr. 100, Härteprü- 33 J.D. Baird, Associated Electrical Industries 
fung in Theorie und Praxis, Düsseldorf Limited, Research Laboratory, Aldermaston, 
(1967) 61 Berkshire, UK, private Mitteilung 
16 Y. Yamane, A New High Temperature Micro- 34 E. R. Petty, H. O’Neill, Metallurgia 63 (1961) 
hardness Tester and its Application, Prospekt 25 
der NIPPON KOGAKU K. K., Tokyo (1968) 35 M. Semlitsch, E. B. Bergsman, Beitrag in (2) 
17 M. G. Lozinsky, High Temperature Metallo- 347 
graphy. Translated by L. Herdan, Pergamon 
Press, London (1961) 

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