Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Friedhelm The precipitation of the metastable phase increases strength but reduces the strengthening 
and the impact toughness of the material. Only when the particle thickness exceeds 100 Ä, 
which goes parallel to the transformation into Nb(C,N), the strengthening and the impact 
toughness increase while the strength decreases, These processes are explained by different 
interaction mechanism (sectioning and by-pass mechanisms) between dislocations and 
ht und bei particles. 
‚unächst — 
<ximal 50 Ä . P. Mandry, Metaux Corrosion-Ind. 42 (1967) 6 G. Lütjering, E. Hornbogen, Z.Metallkde. 59 
389/411; 433/62 (1968) 29/46 
K. J. Irvine, F. B. Pickering, T. Gladman 3. Iron 7 M. F. Asby, Z. Metallkde. 55 (1964) 5 
chnet. Das Steel Inst. 205 (1967) 161/82 8 H. Gleiter, E. Hornbogen, Phys. Stat. sol. 12 
tanten von L. Meyer, F. Schmidt, Ch. Straßburger, Stahl u. (1965) 235 
ätzung der. Eisen.89 (1969) 1235/49 9 E. Orowan, J. West Scotland Iron Steel Inst. 54 
U M. Tanino, K.Aoki, Trans. ISIT8 (1968) (1947) 45 
der -nitrid 337/45 
kann. J. Elliot, M. Gleiser, V. Ramakrishna, Thermo- 
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