Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

In the described case this task was solved by development of a electromechanical grinding 
technique in conjunction with a lap polishing technique. 
It was shown that all required alloys on Fe-C basis could be quickly and qualitatively well 
polished with standardized grinding and polishing conditions. It prooved to be suitable in the 
author’s plant to separate the metallographic production control from the metallographic 
research objects locally and personally. 
; Handbuch der Mikroskopie in der Technik, 3 ©G. Reinacher, Z. Metallkde. 48 (1957) 162/70 
Frankfurt (1968) Band III, Teil 1, S 37 ff. 4 3. Just, W. Altgeld, Z. Metallkde. 52 (1961) 
J. Just, W. Altgeld: Prakt. Metallographie 410/13 
(1970) 59/72 
* Hersteller: Fa. tekma, 43 Essen-Werden 

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