On the fracture surface of these samples one can observe different fracture mecha-
) nisms. In the samples without hydrogen the fracture occurs by dimples, nucleated on
Cee graphite particles and MnS inclusions. On the previously hydrogen charged = samples,
hE one can observe a variation of the fracture mode related to the distance from the
405 Une, periphery to the center of the sample, On the central region of the transversal sec-
tion, the fracture occurred by nucleation and growth of dimples (figure 4-a), : while
near the periphery the fracture occurred predominantly by cleavage (figure 4-c), At
the intermediate region, the fracture is mixed, with dimples and cleavage (figure 4-
b). This fracture mode variation results from the hydrogen concentration gradient ,
caused by the hydrogen charging procedure.
| TH |
5 5
3 er
a a : a BEN oA
; : a
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Figure 4 — Fracture surfaces of
samples after hydrogen
wal charging. Blackheart
il 46 malleable iron.
ve a) central region of
N the specimen: dimples.
Sila b) intermediate region:
. cleavage and dimples,
¢) periphery: cleavage.
pepe 12)
The cleavage facets induced by the hydrogen, as it happens in steels (17, 18), pre-
oo sent differences related to the cleavage which occurs in impact tests, The hydrogen
induced cleavage shows a higher river marking aspect (figure 5) and this characteris-
tic could be utilized in a failure analysis to detect the possible hydrogen influen-
ce on the fracture mechanism.
Prakt. Met. Sonderbd. 21 (1990)