Full text: Metallographie - Stähle, Verbundwerkstoffe, Schadensfälle

Dro a anil 
There must be good reasons for the metallography meetings representing a stable element in our ra- 
pidly changing technical world. In 1989, as well, about 500 collegues followed the invitation to the Dee He 
Braunschweig Municipal Hall, in order to take part in the exchange of experiences about progress in 
material development by metallographic examination methods. Traditional techniques of preparation so 
and examination have proved successful and the development was continued in decoding quality pro- »echn15 
files of material by metallographic examinations of structure. 
They are applied in examinating metals, polymers, ceramics and compound materials or material com- 
pounds. Long before, we ceased looking for specific terms such as “Plastography“ and “Ceramogra- nrzfas: 
phy“ or even artificial words as “Materialography“. We live well with the traditional heading “Metallogra- 
phy“ and just use supplementary terms, if special fields make a higher significance to be advisable. 
Metallography and science of structure have surpassed the duty of proof being indispensable discipli- die Ma 
nes of science: re 
In the field of damage analysis, e. g., metallography became the center of examination proceedings on Ee 
its own and not the disciplines of constructional, productional or operational engineering, in which fre- ist als 
quently the reason for a damage is found and from which one should be in a position to derive the know- u 
ledge of remedial measures. It is the material itself, which serves in its endless structural variety as data EE 
support for productional and operational significance. In the widest fields of metallographic methods Besen 
it is possible to draw these technical data. This also applies for quality protection of generally known 
and for the innovation of new materials. Mater 18 
With 45 lectures and 3 workshops the meeting in Braunschweig offered a variety of program. It is true oo 
that the special edition No. 21 on hand cannot record all the important conversations and discussions, der Fah 
the written lectures, however, allow an intensive follow-up of program contents. ne 
On this occasion, we would like to thank all participants involved in managing the meeting and in deve- Der Ve 
loping this book. Gran 
Hans-Paul Hougardy Co 
Wolf-Ulrich Kopp PAySLC7 
Michael Pohl | 
- veface 

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