Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Prakt. Met. Sonderband 41 (2009) 125 
fects were (a) Heating — (b) Cooling 
ndred free : 
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Ti ribbons. 7% CS CRITE THR ET 
in Figures Fig. 3: DSC results from NiTi ribbons with different numbers of thermomechanical cycles: (a) heating, (b) cooling. 
by arrows) 
r of several 3.4 Tensile test 
Tensile tests of melt-spun ribbons fabricated at various wheel speeds show clearly the martensitic 
plateau even without subsequent heat treatment. The pseudoplastic deformation reaches about 4 % 
strain before plastic deformation occurs. The samples fracture at a strain of about 7 %. The results 
of the tensile test performed before and after thermomechanical training are shown in Fig. 4. The 
tensile test after training clearly shows a higher strength than the ribbons without training. This is 
caused probably by the NiTi, precipitates and a higher dislocation density. 
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constrained Strain (%) 
nsformation Fig. 4: Stress-strain curve from the melt-spun ribbon, before and after training. 
lightly. The 
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he austenite 4 Conclusions 
yws that an 
{ually to the (1) After melt-spinning the samples consist of a martensite phase and show a shape memory 
anded. It is effect without subsequent heat treatment. 
raining and (2) By using a new etchant it is possible to reveal the microstructure very clear and 
(3) The bending training method is an effective method to induce a TWSME in the NiTi 
ribbons. The NiTi ribbons could be trained by a combination of constrained and free thermal 
cycles and show two-way shape memory effects sufficient for technical long-term 

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