File: ALSI.DI (1.5). 7-Jan-1992 12:05
Philips Analytical PC-APD, Diffraction software
Sample identification: AJSi
Data measured at: 77-Jan-1992 10:29:00
Diffractometer type: PW1710 BASED
Tube anode: Co
Generator tension [kV] 35
Generator current [mA] 15
Wavelength Alphal [Al: 1.78896
Wavelength Alpha2 [A]: 1.79285
Intensity ratio (alpha2/alphal): 0.500
Divergence slit 1°
Receiving slit: 0.3
Monochromator used: YES
Start angle {°28]: 20.010
End angle [206]: 129.970
Step size [°20): 0.020
Ma heim intensity: 13340. 5
Time per step [s): 1.000
Type of scan: CONTIHUOUS
a. Al Ka; . Minimum peak tip width: 0.00
Maximum peak tip width: 1.00
Peak hase width: 2.00
Minimum significance: 0.175
Number of peaks: 22
Angle d-value d-value Peak width Peak int Back. int Rel. int Signif.
[2201 al {AT a2 [Al fr 20] feonmts | [counts] FI
31.130 3.3335 3.3407 0.120 49 21 0,4 0.89
33.100 3.1402 3,1470 0.160 218 19 1.6 6.47 iy
44.900 2.3423. 2.3474 0.100 967 41 7.3 16.09 AL(111)
47.090 2.2392 2.2440 0.180 13 13 0.1 0.77 .
‚52.345 2.0280 2.0324 0.140 13340 27 100,0 43.24 A1(200)
152.485 2.0229 2.0273 0.0R0 7056 27 52.9 3.26
55.490 1.9214 1.9256 0.100 243 17 1.8 1.58 8i(220)
66.155 1.6389 1.6425 0, 060 Lg . 0.9 1.53 51(311)
71.170 1.5371 1.5405 0.400 4 0.0 1.60
‚77.230 1.4333 1.4364 0.160 292 2.2 1.46 Al(220)
177.380 1.4309 1.4340 0.080 219 1.6 3,97
82.345 1.3587 1.3617 0,280 13 n 1 -56 Si (400)
85.795 1.3141 1.3169 0.280 3 0.u 1.27
91.665 1.2470 1.2497 0.200 45 0.3 2.03 Si(331)
94.065 1.2224 1.2251 0.160 534 JO 7.41, A1(311)
{34.375 1.2193 1.2220 0.140 282 £1 1.49
99.675 1.1705 1.1730 0.1680 69 0,0 1.46 Nie
107.445 1.1096 1.1120 0.240 30 0.2 0.77 S1(422
117.590 1.0458 1.0481 0.320 24 KG 0.2 1.01 :
123.980 1.0132 1.0154 0.140 1274 30 9.6 1.54 A1L(400)
(122.080 1.0127 1.0149 0.060 1170 30 3.8 0.77
124.530 1.0106 1.0128 0.060 645 30 4.8 0.90
bh. Sika,
Table 1. The X - ray phase analysis pattern od the D.S. solidified Al - Si alloy.
Prakt. Met. Sonderbd. 26 (1995) 563