Prakt. Met. Sonderband 30 (1999) 117
Metastable Phase Formation in the Undercooled Eutectic Niss6Siz;1.4 Alloy
Monika Leonhardt, Wolfgang Loser, Hans-Giinther Lindenkreuz
Institut fiir Festkorper- und Werkstofforschung Dresden,
Postfach 27 00 16, D-01171 Dresden, Germany
Non-equilibrium solidification processes in bulk undercooled eutectic Nig Siz; 4 melts are investi-
gated with respect to metastable phase and microstructure formation. Melt undercooling levels up to
AT ~ 250 K have been achieved by an electromagnetic levitation technique. The in situ observation
of the recalescence events was accomplished by a fast responding silicon diode. Levitated drops of
controlled undercooling prior to solidification were quenched onto chill substrates. A transition
from coupled eutectic to primary dendrite growth beyond a critical undercooling level AT. > 30 to
50 K was revealed from double-recalescence events. Quenched samples displayed a featureless
zone of the metastable hexagonal high-temperature phase Ni,sSig, which replaces the equilibrium
phases. The metastable dendrites gradually decompose into an anomalous eutectic microstructure
on slow post-solidification cooling.
1. Introduction
Phase selection processes under rapid solidification conditions do not solely depend on alloy com-
position but on process parameters such as cooling rate, temperature gradient or melt undercooling
prior to solidification, too (1,2). For eutectic NisgeSizi4 a gradual transition from lamellar to
anomalous eutectic microstructures has been detected beyond a critical melt undercooling level of
AT = 31 K which is complete at AT =~ 150 K. But, undercooling did not yield any metastable phase
in addition to the a-Ni and B-NisSi equilibrium phases (3). On the other hand, two hexagonal non-
equilibrium phases, a high-temperature modification Ni3Si-h and Ni,sSis, have been reported for the
Ni-Si system from quenching experiments (4). A Ni-Si phase diagram section relevant for the so-
lidification of undercooled melts, which also involves the predicted non-equilibrium phases is
shown in Fig. 1 (5).
Since rapid solidification processes are hardly accessible to direct observation it is difficult to reveal
the solidification pathways. Direct evidence for metastable phase formation could be inferred from
in situ observation of growth kinetics of bulk undercooled melts, which can display multi-step re-
calescence processes. The identification of the metastable phases in as-solidified bulk samples, e. g.
by X-ray techniques, is intricate because of their immediate decomposition on slow cooling. A cor-
relation of recalescence behaviour and structure of the metastable phase can be accomplished by
special quenching methods.
In this paper, undercooled eutectic Ni-Si melts are studied by an electromagnetic levitation tech-
nique allowing for in situ observation of the solidification process along with quenching of under-
cooled samples on chill substrates. In that way the primary solidification mode and microstructure
formation mechanisms are elucidated. Results are compared with existing metastable Ni-Si phase
diagram calculations and solidification models.